I had some 3D code that I noticed wouldn't render in a strict core profile but fine in a "normal" (not explicitly requested-as-core-only) profile context. To isolate the issue, I have written the smallest simplest possible OpenGL program drawing just a triangle and a rectangle:

enter image description here

I have posted that OpenGL program as a Gist here.

With the useStrictCoreProfile variable set to false, the program outputs no error messages to the console and draws a quad and a triangle as per the above screenshot, both on an Intel HD OpenGL 3.3 and on a GeForce with OpenGL 4.2.

However, with useStrictCoreProfile set to true, it clears the background color but does not draw the tri & quad, console output is this:

GLCONN: OpenGL 3.2.0 @ NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GT 640M LE/PCIe/SSE2 (GLSL: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler)
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.VertexAttribPointer()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.DrawArrays()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.VertexAttribPointer()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.DrawArrays()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step '(post loop)': GL_INVALID_OPERATION

... if a 4.2 strict core profile is requested instead of 3.2, same issue. Applies to 3 different nvidia GPUs so I assume I'm not conforming to the strict core profile properly. What was I doing wrong, and how can I fix this?

Note, you won't find a glEnableVertexAttribArray call in the above Gist, as it's inside the glutil package I'm importing -- but this does get called as the last step in the gist's compileShaders() func.


There are 1 best solutions below


You're not creating/binding a Vertex Array Object with glGenVertexArrays() and glBindVertexArray(). VAOs encapsulate a bunch of vertex attribute state, including which attributes are enabled, detailed per-attribute information, etc. They were optional when the feature was originally introduced, but they're now required in strict/core contexts according to section 10.4 of the OpenGL core specification:

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by any commands which modify, draw from, or query vertex array state when no vertex array is bound. This occurs in the initial GL state, and may occur as a result of BindVertexArray or a side effect of DeleteVertexArrays.

Here's a very rough example of how VAOs are used:

// At initialization time:
GLuint vao = 0;
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
// Set up your vertex attribute state:
//  - glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,...);
//  - glEnableVertexAttribArray(...);
//  - glVertexAttribPointer(...);
//  - etc. -- Refer to OpenGL docs to see what is/isn't included in the VAO!
glBindVertexArray(0); // unbinds vao

// At draw time:
glBindVertexArray(vao); // automatically sets up previously-bound vertex attribute state
glBindVertexArray(0); // unbinds vao