How do I navigate from ShellContent/a ContentPage to a TabBar/TabbedPage in .NET MAUI Shell?

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In my shell, I have defined a route "main". Nested underneath, I have defined a tabbar with the route "tabs". I want to navigate from my homepage to this tab page using a button. The tabpage should have a back button to get back to the homepage again (aka, I want to do relative navigation.).

When I try to do the navigation using this line of code: await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("tabs");

... I get this error: "System.ArgumentException: 'unable to figure out route for: tabs (Parameter 'uri')'"

Below is my AppShell.xaml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:MainPage}"
        <TabBar Route="tabs">
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate pages:PageOne}" />
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate pages:PageTwo}" />
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate pages:PageThree}" />


  1. I have tried having the tabbar at the same level as the homepage and doing absolute navigation ("//tabs") which works, but doesn't give me a back button
  2. I have tried registering a TabbedPage in "AppShell.xaml.cs`, but TabbedPages don't work with Shell according to Maui documentation
Routing.RegisterRoute("tabs", typeof(MyTabbedPage));
  1. I've tried creating a "TabBar" xaml and xaml.cs file in a similar way to the way you would create a ContentPage or TabbedPage. This didn't work. I tried doing this in pure CSharp too.
  2. I've tried various routes such as ("//home/tabs") to get the navigation to work but no joy.

I feel like this should be the most simple task but I have had no success so far and have not been able to find any good examples of this kind of navigation (the documentation and most tutorials start on a tabbar/flyout rather than trying to navigate from a homepage to a page with tabs).

Ultimately, my goal is to navigate from a ContentPage to a page with tabs. So I don't particularly care if that ends up being a TabBar or a tab page. I think I could probably skip shell for this one navigation, but then I'd lose all the dependency injection / parameter passing which would be bad.


There are 2 best solutions below


You can follow the solution of @H.A.H. ... And for the back button problem, you can solve it by overriding OnBackButtonPressed

protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
  return true; //this blocks the app from Closing 

private async Task BackHomeAsync()
  await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"//{nameof(MainPage)}");

I hope this might help u.


Your shell is incorrect.

Not the navigation, the structure itself.

The correct way to implement TabBar is here:

Short answer is:




Edit: The structure you requested:

<ShellItem Route="HomePage">
    <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate view:HomePage}"/>

        <Tab Route="PageOne">
          <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate view:PageOne}"/>
        <Tab Route="PageTwo">
          <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate view:PageTwo}"/>

You can switch between them with "//HomePage" and "//PageOne".