How do I pass json string in Stringbody with dynamic values in Gatling?

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I have to pass this string in StringBody of my gatling request

{"definitionId":4891544, "stringVariables" : {"Copy 1-json-metadata-instance":" {\r\n \"external-resource\": {\r\n \"id\": 4881561,\r\n \"name\": \"Training Outbound-File\",\r\n \"type\": \"resource\"\r\n },\r\n \"asset-context\": {\r\n \"value\": \".\",\r\n \"isExpression\": false\r\n },\r\n \"vfs-location\": {\r\n \"protocol\": \"FILE\",\r\n \"port\": 0,\r\n \"path\": \"/fx/fx-enterprise/storage/media/Training Outbound-FILE\"\r\n }", "Copy 2-json-metadata-instance":" {\r\n \"external-resource\": {\r\n \"id\": 48218841,\r\n \"name\": \"Training Outbound-File\",\r\n \"type\": \"resource\"\r\n },\r\n \"asset-context\": {\r\n \"value\": \".\",\r\n \"isExpression\": false\r\n },\r\n \"vfs-location\": {\r\n \"protocol\": \"FTP\",\r\n \"hostname\": \"\",\r\n \"port\": 0,\r\n \"path\": \"/poc/V5Dev/R1\",\r\n \"username\": \"ntvt-ht-nt-staging\",\r\n \"password\": \"jpc6t8\"\r\n }"} }}}

Here is my scala script

// Dynamic Json values  
    val filePath = System.getProperty("filePath", "/fx/fx-enterprise/storage/media/Training Outbound-FILE")
    val ftpHostname = System.getProperty("ftpHostname", "")
    val ftpUsername = System.getProperty("ftpUsername", "ntvt-ht-nt-staging")
    val ftpPassword = System.getProperty("ftpPassword", "jpc6t8")
    val ftpPath = System.getProperty("ftpPath", "/poc/V5Dev/R1")
    val UUID = System.getProperty("UUID", "b71awerv-4946-4bwe-8eqa-2412fgh98002")
    val definitionId = System.getProperty("definitionId", "48924212")

    val scn = scenario("Launch")
    // Modification-1   
        .body(StringBody(s"""{"definitionId":"${definitionId}", "stringVariables" : { "Copy 1-json-metadata-instance":" {\r\n \"external-resource\": {\r\n \"id\": 488841,\r\n \"name\": \"Training Outbound-File\",\r\n \"type\": \"resource\"\r\n },\r\n \"asset-context\": {\r\n \"value\": \".\",\r\n \"isExpression\": false\r\n },\r\n \"vfs-location\": {\r\n \"protocol\": \"FILE\",\r\n \"port\": 0,\r\n \"path\": \"${filePath}\"\r\n }", "Copy 2-json-metadata-instance":" {\r\n \"external-resource\": {\r\n \"id\": 488841,\r\n \"name\": \"Training Outbound-File\",\r\n \"type\": \"resource\"\r\n },\r\n \"asset-context\": {\r\n \"value\": \".\",\r\n \"isExpression\": false\r\n },\r\n \"vfs-location\": {\r\n \"protocol\": \"FTP\",\r\n \"hostname\": \"${ftpHostname}\",\r\n \"port\": 0,\r\n \"path\": \"${ftpPath}\",\r\n \"username\": \"${ftpUsername}\",\r\n \"password\": \"${ftpPassword}\"\r\n }"} } }}""")).asJSON)   

        //  .body(StringBody(s"""{"definitionId":"$definitionId", "stringVariables" : { "Copy 1-json-metadata-instance":" {"external-resource": {"id": 488841,"name": "Training Outbound-File", "type": "resource"},"asset-context": {"value": ".","isExpression": false},"vfs-location": {"protocol": "FILE","port": 0,"path": "$filePath"}", "Copy 2-json-metadata-instance":" {"external-resource": {"id": 488841,"name": "Training Outbound-File","type": "resource"},"asset-context": {"value": ".","isExpression": false},"vfs-location": {"protocol": "FTP","hostname": "$ftpHostname","port": 0,"path": "$ftpPath","username": "$ftpUsername","password": "$ftpPassword"}"} } }}""")))   


It works if I pass Original string as it is without dynamic values) Throws below Error:

====Output with Modification-1====

compositeByteData={"definitionId":"4891544", "stringVariables" : { "Copy 1-json-metadata-instance":"
 "external-resource": {
 "id": 488841,
 "name": "Training Outbound-File",
 "type": "resource"
 "asset-context": {
 "value": ".",
 "isExpression": false
 "vfs-location": {
 "protocol": "FILE",
 "port": 0,
 "path": "/fx/fx-enterprise/storage/media/Training Outbound-FILE"
 }", "Copy 2-json-metadata-instance":" {
 "external-resource": {
 "id": 488841,
 "name": "Training Outbound-File",
 "type": "resource"
 "asset-context": {
 "value": ".",
 "isExpression": false
 "vfs-location": {
 "protocol": "FTP",
 "hostname": "",
 "port": 0,
 "path": "/poc/V5Dev/R1",
 "username": "ntvt-ht-nt-staging",
 "password": "jpc6t8"
 }"} } }}
realm=Realm{principal='masteruser', password='masteruser', scheme=BASIC, realmName='null', nonce='n
ull', algorithm='null', response='null', qop='null', nc='00000001', cnonce='null', uri='null', meth
odName='GET', useAbsoluteURI='false', omitQuery='false'}
HTTP response:
500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: [application/json]
Date: [Tue, 20 Dec 2016 10:41:29 GMT]
Server: [Apache-Coyote/1.1]
Content-Length: [69]
Connection: [keep-alive]

  "errors" : {
    "error" : "Error while processing request"

====Output with Modification-2====

  "errors" : {
    "error" : "Unexpected character ('e' (code 101)): was expecting comma to separate OBJECT entries\n at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@201d449c; line: 1, column: 86]"

There are 3 best solutions below


Removed \r\n and added extra backslash \ with \ (i mean use double backslash \ instead of \ single backslash)

.body(StringBody(s"""{"definitionId":${definitionId}, "stringVariables" : { "Copy 1-json-instance":" { \\"external-resource\\": { \\"id\\": 48234231, \\"name\\": \\"Outbound-File\\", \\"type\\": \\"resource\\" }, \\"asset-context\\": { \\"value\\": \\".\\", \\"isExpression\\": false }, \\"location\\": { \\"protocol\\": \\"FILE\\", \\"port\\": 0, \\"path\\": \\"${filePath}\\" }", "Copy 2-json-instance":" { \\"external-resource\\": { \\"id\\": 4823441, \\"name\\": \\"Outbound-File\\", \\"type\\": \\"resource\\" }, \\"asset-context\\": { \\"value\\": \\".\\", \\"isExpression\\": false }, \\"location\\": { \\"protocol\\": \\"FTP\\", \\"hostname\\": \\"${ftpHostname}\\", \\"port\\": 0, \\"path\\": \\"${ftpPath}\\", \\"username\\": \\"${ftpUsername}\\", \\"password\\": \\"${ftpPassword}\\" }"} }"""))) 

I formatted JSON string body, and found there quotes in places where JSON objects start their declaration. Look at screenshot. I'm not sure that your JSON is validenter image description here


When you add s before any String in Scala you invoke a string interpolator. According to its documentation, you have to remove all backslashes, because they cause InvalidEscapeException.

  /** The simple string interpolator.
   *  It inserts its arguments between corresponding parts of the string context.
   *  It also treats standard escape sequences as defined in the Scala specification.
   *  Here's an example of usage:
   *  {{{
   *    val name = "James"
   *    println(s"Hello, $name")  // Hello, James
   *  }}}
   *  In this example, the expression $name is replaced with the `toString` of the
   *  variable `name`.
   *  The `s` interpolator can take the `toString` of any arbitrary expression within
   *  a `${}` block, for example:
   *  {{{
   *    println(s"1 + 1 = ${1 + 1}")
   *  }}}
   *  will print the string `1 + 1 = 2`.
   *  @param `args` The arguments to be inserted into the resulting string.
   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException
   *          if the number of `parts` in the enclosing `StringContext` does not exceed
   *          the number of arguments `arg` by exactly 1.
   *  @throws StringContext.InvalidEscapeException
   *          if a `parts` string contains a backslash (`\`) character
   *          that does not start a valid escape sequence.
  def s(args: Any*): String = standardInterpolator(treatEscapes, args)

I recommend to remove all "\" Also substitute " with '

I hope it will help