How do I place my entire WordPress installation under git control?

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How do I place my entire WordPress installation under git control? I am using Github on a Mac computer and I need to push all my work to a remote repository.


There are 1 best solutions below


So the process is straight forward, but don't forget to include a dump of the database to your repository.

say you have the WordPress setup on /Users/yourHome/theSite, then:

  1. create or copy a backup of the site's DB to /Users/yourHome/theSite/dbdump
  2. go to the site folder cd /Users/yourHome/theSite
  3. Stage everything git add .
  4. commit them git commit -m 'Your commit message
  5. set the repository's remote to where you have to push git remote set-url origin
  6. and finally push git push -u origin master

please note I'm assuming you already have git repo on the site location. otherwise you need to initiate on in the location before the step 2. lest say as step 1.5 :) git init

so after having the db back up ready, you have to:

cp -rf the/db/backup/* /Users/yourHome/theSite/dbdump/
cd /Users/yourHome/theSite/dbdump
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Your commit message'
git remote set-url origin
git push -u origin master