How do I preload items in a SproutCore ListView?

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I've got a relatively fast SproutCore app that I'm trying to make just a tad bit faster.

Right now, when the user scrolls my SC.ListView and they scroll into view some list items that have not been loaded from the server (say from a relationship), the app automatically makes a call to the server to load these records. Even though this is fast, there is still a short period of time where my list items are blank.

I know that I can make them say "Loading..." or something like that (and I have), but I was wondering: is there was a way to pre-load my "off-screen" records so that as the user scrolls, the list items are already loaded?

My ListItemViews will be fairly large (pixel-wise), so even loading double the amount of data is not going to be killer from an AJAX perspective, and it would be nice if as the user scrolled, the content was always loaded (unless they scroll SUPER-SUPER-fast, in which case I'm okay with them seeing a loading indicator).

I currently found a solution by adding the following to my SC.ListView, but I've noticed some major performance issues on mobile and they are directly related to making this change, so I was wondering if there was a better way.

    contentIndexesInRect: function(rect) {

      rect.height = rect.height * 2;

      return sc_super();


There are 2 best solutions below


Overriding contentIndexesInRect is the way I would do this. I would do less than double it though – I might get the result from sc_super() and then add a few extra items to the resulting index set. (I believe it comes back frozen, so you may have to clone-edit-freeze.) One or two extra may give you enough breathing room to get the stuff loaded, without contributing nearly as much to the apparent performance issue.

I'm surprised that it results in major performance issues though. It sounds to me like your list items themselves may be heavier-weight than they need to be – for example, they may have a lot of bindings to hook and unhook. If that's what's going on, you may benefit more from improving their efficiency.


I think you would be better served to load the additional data outside of the context of what the list is actually displaying. For instance, forcing more list items to render in order to trigger additional requests does result in having the extra data available, but also adds several unnecessary elements to the DOM, which is actually detrimental to overall performance. In fact these extra elements are most likely the cause of the major slowdown on mobile once you get to a sufficient number of extras.

Instead, I would first ensure that your list item views are properly pooling so that only the visible items are updating in place with as little DOM manipulation as possible. Then second, I would lazily load in additional data only after the required data is requested. There are quite a few ways to do this depending on your setup. You might want to add some logic to a data source to trigger an additional request on each filled request range or you might want to do something like override itemViewForContentIndex in SC.CollectionView as the point to trigger the extra data. In either case, I imagine it could look something like this,

// …

prefetchTriggered: function (lastIndex) {

  // A query that will fetch more data (this depends totally on your setup).
  var query = SC.Query.remote(MyApp.Record, {
    // Parameters to pass to the data source so it knows what to request.
    lastIndex: lastIndex

  // Run the query.;

// …

As I mention in the comments above, the structure of the request depends totally on your setup and your API so you'll have to modify it to meet your needs. It will work better if you are able to request a suitable range of items, rather than one-at-a-time.