How do I uninstall Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)?

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I had installed the DTR on a single manager, worker cluster (playing with it to get a better understanding before setting up a proper environment)

The DTR installation was successful. I wanted to uninstall the DTR and there were no issues in uninstalling it. The following command was used for the uninstall activity based on the docs.

docker run -it --rm \
>   docker/dtr:2.5.3 destroy \
>   --ucp-insecure-tls

Running a docker ps confirms that the containers associated with the DTR are no longer running.

However, when I login to UCP, I still see the old DTR and I don't see a way to delete it.

I am puzzled and unsure how to clean this up and create a new DTR.



There are 1 best solutions below


The docker/dtr destroy command, according to the DTR CLI usage documentation forcefully and in a non-blocking way removes the volumes and containers of an existing DTR replica.

Furthermore, as said on the Docker forum (, it seems to be an old issue of DTR.

How to fix it is summarized in one Docker Knowledge Base article. The steps reported there are the following:

  • Run the following commands to view your current UCP configuration file

    # CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME will be the name of the currently active UCP configuration
    CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME=$(docker service inspect ucp-agent --format '{{range .Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Configs}}{{if eq "/etc/ucp/ucp.toml" .File.Name}}{{.ConfigName}}{{end}}{{end}}')
    # Collect the current config with `docker config inspect`
    docker config inspect --format '{{ printf "%s" .Spec.Data }}' $CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME > ucp-config.toml
  • Edit the ucp-config.toml file and remove the [[registries]] section for the stale DTR entry/entries at the bottom of the file.

  • Run the following commands to create and apply the configuration from the file:

     # NEXT_CONFIG_NAME will be the name of the new UCP configuration
     # Create the new swarm configuration from the file ucp-config.toml
     docker config create $NEXT_CONFIG_NAME ucp-config.toml
     # Use the `docker service update` command to remove the current configuration and apply the new configuration to the `ucp-agent` service.
     docker service update --config-rm $CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME --config-add source=$NEXT_CONFIG_NAME,target=/etc/ucp/ucp.toml ucp-agent
  • Wait few seconds for the restarting ucp-agent.

  • Confirm that the stale DTR entries are removed on the UCP UI (Username > Admin Settings > Docker Trusted Registry) page.