How do I write a unit test that should fail?

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If I make a test that should throw a fatal error, how can I handle that? For instance, how can I write this test to ensure a variable is deleted properly:

public static void TestScope()
    String str;
        str = scope .();
    str.ToUpper(); // str should be marked as deleted here

There are 1 best solutions below


You can parameterize the Test attribute as Test(ShouldFail=true).

The test process first runs all tests that shouldn't fail, then runs all tests that should. If any tests that should fail don't, the remaining should-fail tests are still run.

For instance, testing this class:

class Program
    public static void TestScopeShouldFailButSucceeds()
        String str;
        str = scope:: .();

        str.ToUpper(); // will not fail

    public static void TestScopeShouldFail()
        String str;
        str = scope .();

        str.ToUpper(); // will fail

    public static void TestScopeShouldNotFail()
        String str;
        str = scope:: .();

        str.ToUpper(); // will not fail

    public static void Main()



...will first successfully complete TestScopeShouldNotFail, then will unexpectedly complete TestScopeShouldFailButSucceeds, then will expectedly fail in TestScopeShouldFail. Thus, it will produce one failed test for TestScopeShouldFailButSucceeds.