How do you add all photos in a folder to an Apple Photos album without importing any pictures?

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This is useful when you have a folder of images that may contain images that you already have in your library.


There are 1 best solutions below

on run
    set folderList to (choose folder with multiple selections allowed)
    tell application "Photos"
        delay 2
    end tell
    repeat with baseFolder in folderList
        importFotos(baseFolder, "NEW ALBUM")
    end repeat
end run

on importFotos(aFolder, albumName)
    set imageList to getImageList(aFolder)
    log (albumName)
    if imageList is {} then return
    set fotoAlbum to createFotoAlbum(albumName)
    repeat with image in imageList
        set fileInfo to info for image
        set filename to name of fileInfo
        set filenameStr to filename as string
        log (filename)
        tell application "Photos"
            set photosImage to search for filenameStr
            add photosImage to fotoAlbum
            log (photosImage)
        end tell
    end repeat
    log (albumName)
end importFotos

on getImageList(aFolder)
    set extensionsList to {"jpg", "png", "tiff", "JPG", "jpeg", "gif", "JPEG", "PNG", "TIFF", "GIF", "MOV", "mov", "MP4", "mp4", "M4V", "m4v", "MPG", "mpg", "BMP", "bmp", "TIF", "tif", "AVI", "avi", "PSD", "psd", "ai", "AI", "orf", "ORF", "nef", "NEF", "crw", "CRW", "cr2", "CR2", "dng", "DNG", "PEF", "HEIC"}
    with timeout of (30 * 60) seconds
        tell application "Finder" to set theFiles to every file of aFolder whose name extension is in extensionsList
    end timeout
    set imageList to {}
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theFiles
        set thisItem to item i of theFiles as alias
        set the end of imageList to thisItem
    end repeat
end getImageList

on createFotoAlbum(albumName)
    tell application "Photos"
        make new album named albumName
    end tell
end createFotoAlbum

This is also available from my GitHub repository: