How fast does Microsoft Defenfder for Cloud scan documents in a blob?

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I am considering using Microsoft Defender on Cloud for Blob storage. A couple of things that I can't seem to find answers to are the following:

  1. When does the scan occur?
  • Does it scan immediately when the file is uploaded? Or on a schedule of some sorts?
  1. How fast is the scan of the file?
  • I understand that it uses a hash to compare the file to know viruses, but how long does this take?

I have already referenced this question: How Can I Tell If Microsoft Defender Has Scanned A Blob (a blob with no virus). However, the answer didn't quite get to the point of speed.

Thank you


There are 1 best solutions below


From the documentation: "Security alerts are triggered for the following scenarios (typically from 1-2 hours after the event):", where hash reputation scanning is one of the scenarios.