How to access a key value pair secret from AWS Secrets Manager, in concourse?

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I have a concourse environment deployed using bosh. It is configured with AWS Secrets Manager. The pipeline secret template is of the form /concourse/{{.Team}}/{{.Secret}}

I have a secret /concourse/team1/general created in AWS Secrets Manager (Other type of secrets) with the below value.

  "gitbranch": "master",
  "hello": "2",
  "general": "hi"

I have a concourse pipeline hello-world.yml set in team1 team.

- name: job
  public: true
  - task: check-secret
      platform: linux
        type: registry-image
        source: { repository: busybox }
        path: echo
        args: ["((general))"]

This pipeline outputs the value as


But, if I change the args (last line) in pipeline to args: ["((general.gitbranch))"], then, I get the below error

failed to interpolate task config: cannot access field 'gitbranch' of non-map value ('string') from var: general.gitbranch

Is it possible to access any of the key value pairs in the secret from AWS Secrets Manager, in the concourse pipeline? If yes, how to do so?


There are 1 best solutions below


Answering my own question.

By creating the secret using cli with the parameter --secret-binary, I was able to achieve to fetch the key value pairs.

(Previously, I was creating the secret from aws console, which got created as a secret string.)

I used the below command to update my secret to create the secret as a binary.

b64key=$(base64 secrets.json)
aws secretsmanager update-secret \
    --secret-id  /concourse/team1/general \
    --secret-binary "$b64key"

I found this using-aws-secrets-manager-with-concourse-ci and it was helpful in solving the issue.

If anyone knows a way to do this in console, kindly let me know.