How to access flutter localization without a context

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I am using flutter localization from their official documentation here, and I am using clean architecture in my project. I want to access the app localization class without a context so I can translate the error messages in the repository file.

Here is an example:

class UserRepository{
  Future<Either<Failure, Unit>> logOut() async{
      return const Right(unit);
      return const Left(AuthFailure('I want to translate this error based on app`s language'));

There are 2 best solutions below


Well, since this is not the best practice to do, you can create a custom localizations widget that gets you the Localizations.of(context) but here the context will be obtained by a GlobalKey that you to get from a widget that we can access the Localization widget context with it, which is inside the MaterialApp of course.

For this, you can use the navigatorKey to achieve it:

// somewhere else in your project
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> ourNavigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();

// main.dart
  navigatorKey: ourNavigatorKey,

Now that you assigned that key, you can create a WithoutContextLocalizations widget:

Localizations withoutContextLocalizations() {
  final BuildContext context = ourNavigatorKey.currentContext!;
  return Localizations.of<Localizations>(context, Localizations)!;

Now from any place instead of using :


You can use :


here is another solution since it is not best practice to use context inside data classes.

you can create a singleton class like this:

class LocalizationManager {
  static final LocalizationManager instance = LocalizationManager._();

  late AppLocalizations _localization;

  AppLocalizations get appLocalization => _localization;

  void setLocalization(BuildContext context) {
    _localization = AppLocalizations.of(context)!;

then in the material app builder, set the value of localization:

return MaterialApp(
  builder: (context, child) {
    return child!;