How to access raw request body in servant application

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In a servant/wai application the request body can be obtained using a combinator e.g. ReqBody '[JSON] Book. In this case the body is extracted as a value of type Book. It is not clear how the raw request body can be accessed without converting it to a type.

The raw request body may be required to verify its signature. An example is in stripe webhooks (i.e. where the raw request body may be needed for verification. There is a nice library on (stripe-hs) that does this verification but does not explain how to obtain the raw request body.

I guess one way is through a middleware where the request body can be consumed once. Is there any other way?


There are 2 best solutions below


What I ended up doing is to create a new data type data WebhookJSON and its corresponding MimeUnrender and MimeRender instances for this data type. Just like its done for the JSON type. I used that data type in the combinators e.g. ReqBody '[WebhookJSON] ByteString. Hopefully (I haven't tested it yet), this is one way to gain access to the raw request body.


To add onto 7puns' self-answer:

module JsonAsRawText where

import ClassyPrelude
import qualified Network.HTTP.Media               as M
import qualified Data.Text                        as TextS
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding               as TextS
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty               as NE
import           Control.Arrow (left)
import Servant

data JsonAsRawText deriving Typeable

instance Accept JsonAsRawText where
  contentTypes _ =
    "application" M.// "json" M./: ("charset", "utf-8") NE.:|
    [ "application" M.// "json" ]

instance MimeUnrender JsonAsRawText TextS.Text where
  mimeUnrender _ = left show . TextS.decodeUtf8' . toStrict

It's worth noting that this bypasses a lot of Servant's wonderful automatic type machinery. It's really only useful when you absolutely need access to the raw body of a request of Content-Type: application/json as a string (to compute the security signature for an incoming webhook, for instance).