How to add discounts on both entity_level and items_level in Sales Order?

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I'm trying to integrate ZOHO books invoice system with Woocommerce. I'm creating a sales order using API which is later converted into an Invoice and trying to add discounts for both levels. One in items_level that is attached with line items and another in entity_level should be applied on the subtotal of line items before the tax calculation.

The issue I'm facing is the API applying the discount only at entity_level(ignoring items_level), whereas I'm adding discounts for both in the API request body. (See the attachment)

Request body:

        "customer_id": "123456789",
        "date": "2022-03-05",
        "shipment_date": "2022-03-05",
        "is_inclusive_tax": false,
        "place_of_supply": "DL",
        "salesperson_name": "ABC",
        "gst_treatment": "consumer",
        "line_items": [
             "rate": '999',
             "name": "Product_Name",
             "description": "Product_Descp",
             "quantity": 1,
             "product_type": "goods",
             "discount": "10%",
             "tax_id": "123456000",
             "hsn_or_sac": "200200"
        "billing_address_id": "12347890",
        "shipping_address_id": "12347891",
        "tax_id": "123456000",
        "discount": "202.89"
        "shipping_charge": "40",
        "delivery_method": "delivery_method_name",

I want both to work together because I need to show coupons discounts at entity_level (if coupon applied during checkout) and sales discount at items_level. Is there any setting or any other way to add discounts on both levels simultaneously?

Any help will be much appreciated!



There are 2 best solutions below


Zoho Books does not allow entity and item level discounts to be applied simultaneously. You have to choose one of them by setting the API key "discount_type" to be "entity_level" or "item_level".

The API has another key to calculate the discount before tax, which is "is_discount_before_tax".


We add invoice level discount as an adjustment (with a negative value, of couse). You can enable adjustments in Preferences.

screenshot of Zoho Books add/edit invoice form

In API, the field names are "adjustment" and "adjustment_description". This method works for us, although not ideal. All adjustments go into "Other Charges" in COA.