How to add dynamically dependency in project from custom plugin's action in android studio?

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I need to create a custom plugin for Android studio and with action, I need to add the dependency in build.gradle file.

With AnAction, I have overridden the actionPerformed method.

Now I need to add the dependency dynamically, after performing an action of that then how can I add that?


There are 1 best solutions below


I have got the solution and applied the same,

class GradleManager(private val project: Project) {

    companion object {
        const val DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME = "app"
        const val IMPLEMENTATION = "implementation"
        const val COMPILE = "compile"
        const val DEPENDENCIES = "dependencies"

    private var buildGradle: Document? = null
    private var modules = arrayOf<Any>()
    private var projectBaseDir: VirtualFile? = null

    fun initBuildGradle(): Boolean {
        val gradleVirtualFile: VirtualFile?
        gradleVirtualFile = if (modules.size > 1) {
            val isHaveAppModule: String? = modules.find { it == DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME } as String
            if (isHaveAppModule != null && isHaveAppModule != "") {
            } else {
                return false
        } else {
                    .findChild(modules[0] as String)!!
        if (gradleVirtualFile != null) {
            buildGradle = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(gradleVirtualFile)
        return true

    private fun getModulesExist() {
        val basePath = project.basePath
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(basePath)) {
            throw FileNotFoundException("Project base path not found.")
        projectBaseDir = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(basePath!!)
        if (projectBaseDir == null) {
            throw FileNotFoundException("Project base directory not found.")
        val virtualSettingsGradle = projectBaseDir!!.findChild("settings.gradle")
        if (virtualSettingsGradle != null) {
            val settingsGradle = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(virtualSettingsGradle)
            if (settingsGradle != null) {
            modules = readSettingsGradle(settingsGradle)
        } else if (projectBaseDir!!.findChild("build.gradle") == null) {
            throw FileNotFoundException("Project doesn't contain any gradle file.")

    fun addDependency(repository: String, actionEvent: AnActionEvent) {
        val documentText = buildGradle!!.text.split("\n".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray()
        val sb = StringBuilder()
        var counter = 0
        var canSearch = false
        for (i in documentText.indices) {
            val line = documentText[i]
            if (canSearch) {
                if (line.contains("{")) {
                    counter += 1
                if (line.contains("}")) {
                    if (counter > 0) {
                        counter -= 1
                    } else {
                        canSearch = false
            if (line.contains(DEPENDENCIES)) {
                val tempLine = line.replace(DEPENDENCIES, "")
                if (tempLine.trim().equals("{", true)) {
                    canSearch = true
                } else {
                    if (!tempLine.trim().isRequiredField()) {
                        counter = -1
                        canSearch = true
                    } else {
                        if (tempLine.trim().contains("{")
                                && !tempLine.trim().contains("//")
                                && (tempLine.trim().contains(IMPLEMENTATION) || tempLine.trim().contains(COMPILE))
                        ) {
                            canSearch = true
        writeToGradle(sb, actionEvent)

    private fun writeToGradle(stringBuilder: StringBuilder, actionEvent: AnActionEvent) {
        val application = ApplicationManager.getApplication()
        application.invokeLater {
            application.runWriteAction { buildGradle!!.setText(stringBuilder) }

    private fun syncProject(actionEvent: AnActionEvent) {
        val androidSyncAction = getAction("Android.SyncProject")
        val refreshAllProjectAction = getAction("ExternalSystem.RefreshAllProjects")
        if (androidSyncAction != null && androidSyncAction !is EmptyAction) {
        } else if (refreshAllProjectAction != null && refreshAllProjectAction !is EmptyAction) {
        } else {
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater {
                        "Project sync failed.",
                        "SYNC FAILED"

    private fun getAction(actionId: String): AnAction? {
        return ActionManager.getInstance().getAction(actionId)

    private fun readSettingsGradle(settingsGradle: Document): Array<Any> {
        return Stream.of(*settingsGradle.text.split("'".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray())
                .filter { s -> s.startsWith(":") }
                .map { s -> s.replace(":", "") }

    private fun String?.isRequiredField(): Boolean {
        return this != null && isNotEmpty() && isNotBlank()

Please refer here for the reference.