how to add google map api key in EGamp in yii

972 Views Asked by At

I have a google map api key .. AdfadXXXXXXXXXXX....

I have installed EGamp extension . how can i set Api key in below code for localhost and production.

I tried using $gMap->setAPIKey('','MYAPYKEY'); function of EGmap but not working ..

Still in console it displaying that "Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys".

Below is my code.

            $gMap = new EGMap();
            $gMap->zoom = 16;
            $gMap->mapTypeControl = false;
            $gMap->scrollwheel = false;

            $gMap->setContainerStyle('width', '100%');
            $gMap->setContainerStyle('height', '250px');
            $gMap->setCenter($defaultVenue->lat, $defaultVenue->lng);

            // Create GMapInfoWindows
            $infoWindow = new EGMapInfoWindow('<div>' . nl2br($defaultVenue->full_address) . '</div>');

            // Create marker
            $marker = new EGMapMarker($defaultVenue->lat, $defaultVenue->lng, ['title' => $defaultVenue->full_address]);

Can i use same key for local host and production ?


There are 1 best solutions below


Was using this extension a couple of months ago. Not sure if i was missing something when reading the documentation, but what i did was hacked it a bit to get it to work. In your EGMap.php change the code to this ...

    public function registerMapScript($afterInit=array(), $language = null, $region = null, $position = CClientScript::POS_LOAD)
            // TODO: include support in the future
            //$params = 'sensor=false';
            $params = '';

            $key = $this->getAPIKey();

            if ($language !== null)
                $params .= '&language=' . $language;
            if ($region !== null)
                $params .= '&region=' . $region;

            if ($key !== null)
                $params .= '&key='. $key;
            //end of hack

            CGoogleApi::register('maps', '3', array('other_params' => $params));


In your view, don't forget to add $gMap->setAPIKey(DOMAIN, APIKEY) before your $gMap->renderMap();

Hope that works