How to annotate a type that's a class object (instead of a class instance)?

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What is the proper way to annotate a function argument that expects a class object instead of an instance of that class?

In the example below, some_class argument is expected to be a type instance (which is a class), but the problem here is that type is too broad:

def construct(some_class: type, related_data:Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:

In the case where some_class expects a specific set of types objects, using type does not help at all. The typing module might be in need of a Class generic that does this:

def construct(some_class: Class[Union[Foo, Bar, Baz]], related_data:Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[Foo, Bar, Baz]:

In the example above, some_class is the Foo, Bar or Faz class, not an instance of it. It should not matter their positions in the class tree because some_class: Class[Foo] should also be a valid case. Therefore,

# classes are callable, so it is OK
inst = some_class(**related_data)


# instances does not have __name__
clsname = some_class.__name__


# an operation that only Foo, Bar and Baz can perform.

should be OK to mypy, pytype, PyCharm, etc.

How can this be done with current implementation (Python 3.6 or earlier)?


There are 1 best solutions below


To annotate an object that is a class, use typing.Type. For example, this would tell the type checker that some_class is class Foo or any of its subclasses:

from typing import Type
class Foo: ...
class Bar(Foo): ...
class Baz: ...
some_class: Type[Foo]
some_class = Foo # ok
some_class = Bar # ok
some_class = Baz # error
some_class = Foo() # error

Note that Type[Union[Foo, Bar, Baz]] and Union[Type[Foo], Type[Bar], Type[Baz]] are completely equivalent.

If some_class could be any of a number of classes, you may want to make them all inherit from the same base class, and use Type[BaseClass]. Note that the inheritance must be non-virtual for now (mypy support for virtual inheritance is being discussed).

Edited to confirm that Type[Union[... is allowed.