How to ask Scala if evidence exists for all instantiations of type parameter?

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Given the following type-level addition function on Peano numbers

sealed trait Nat
class O extends Nat
class S[N <: Nat] extends Nat

type plus[a <: Nat, b <: Nat] = a match
  case O => b
  case S[n] => S[n plus b]

say we want to prove theorem like

for all natural numbers n, n + 0 = n

which perhaps can be specified like so

type plus_n_0 = [n <: Nat] =>> (n plus O) =:= n

then when it comes to providing evidence for theorem we can easily ask Scala compiler for evidence in particular cases

summon[plus_n_O[S[S[O]]]]  // ok, 2 + 0 = 2

but how can we ask Scala if it can generate evidence for all instantiations of [n <: Nat], thus providing proof of plus_n_0?


There are 1 best solutions below


Here is one possible approach, which is an attempt at a literal interpretation of this paragraph:

When proving a statement E:N→U about all natural numbers, it suffices to prove it for 0 and for succ(n), assuming it holds for n, i.e., we construct ez:E(0) and es:∏(n:N)E(n)→E(succ(n)).

from the HoTT book (section 5.1).

Here is the plan of what was implemented in the code below:

  • Formulate what it means to have a proof for a statement that "Some property P holds for all natural numbers". Below, we will use

     trait Forall[N, P[n <: N]]:
       inline def apply[n <: N]: P[n]

    where the signature of the apply-method essentially says "for all n <: N, we can generate evidence of P[n]".

    Note that the method is declared to be inline. This is one possible way to ensure that the proof of ∀n.P(n) is constructive and executable at runtime (However, see edit history for alternative proposals with manually generated witness terms).

  • Postulate some sort of induction principle for natural numbers. Below, we will use the following formulation:

        P(0) holds, and
        whenever P(i) holds, then also P(i + 1) holds,
        For all `n`, P(n) holds

    I believe that it should be possible to derive such induction principles using some metaprogramming facilities.

  • Write proofs for the base case and the induction case of the induction principle.

  • ???

  • Profit

The code then looks like this:

sealed trait Nat
class O extends Nat
class S[N <: Nat] extends Nat

type plus[a <: Nat, b <: Nat] <: Nat = a match
  case O => b
  case S[n] => S[n plus b]

trait Forall[N, P[n <: N]]:
  inline def apply[n <: N]: P[n]

trait NatInductionPrinciple[P[n <: Nat]] extends Forall[Nat, P]:
  def base: P[O]
  def step: [i <: Nat] => (P[i] => P[S[i]])
  inline def apply[n <: Nat]: P[n] =
    (inline compiletime.erasedValue[n] match
      case _: O => base
      case _: S[pred] => step(apply[pred])

given liftCoUpperbounded[U, A <: U, B <: U, S[_ <: U]](using ev: A =:= B):
  (S[A] =:= S[B]) = ev.liftCo[[X] =>> Any].asInstanceOf[S[A] =:= S[B]]

type NatPlusZeroEqualsNat[n <: Nat] = (n plus O) =:= n

def trivialLemma[i <: Nat]: ((S[i] plus O) =:= S[i plus O]) =
  summon[(S[i] plus O) =:= S[i plus O]]

object Proof extends NatInductionPrinciple[NatPlusZeroEqualsNat]:
  val base = summon[(O plus O) =:= O]
  val step: ([i <: Nat] => NatPlusZeroEqualsNat[i] => NatPlusZeroEqualsNat[S[i]]) = 
    [i <: Nat] => (p: NatPlusZeroEqualsNat[i]) =>
      given previousStep: ((i plus O) =:= i) = p
      given liftPreviousStep: (S[i plus O] =:= S[i]) =
        liftCoUpperbounded[Nat, i plus O, i, S]
      given definitionalEquality: ((S[i] plus O) =:= S[i plus O]) =

def demoNat(): Unit = {
  println("Running demoNat...")
  type two = S[S[O]]
  val ev = Proof[two]
  val twoInstance: two = new S[S[O]]
  println(ev(twoInstance) == twoInstance)

It compiles, runs, and prints:


meaning that we have successfully invoked the recursively defined method on the executable evidence-term of type two plus O =:= two.

Some further comments

  • The trivialLemma was necessary so that summons inside of other givens don't accidentally generate recursive loops, which is a bit annoying.
  • The separate liftCo-method for S[_ <: U] was needed, because =:=.liftCo does not allow type constructors with upper-bounded type parameters.
  • compiletime.erasedValue + inline match is awesome! It automatically generates some sort of runtime-gizmos that allow us to do pattern matching on an "erased" type. Before I found this out, I was attempting to construct appropriate witness terms manually, but this does not seem necessary at all, it's provided for free (see edit history for the approach with manually constructed witness terms).