How to automatically take a '/' (slash) in input field using reactJS

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How can I format an input to place a slash before the value that the user enters, so that the user cannot delete it because it is already formatted that way. I'm trying to add functionality to input /characters fields so as when the users enters digits, slashes "/" get automatically added before.

I'm new in React, so I don't any idea of how I can resolve that, please helpe me

An Example of the result I want to resolve

enter image description here

 mascaraUserName = (text) => {
        const selectedData_ = this.state.form;
        formated = text;
            //formated = text +'/';
            if(selectedData_.userName.indexOf('/') == -1){
              formated = text +'/';
        // this.setState({ form: myRef }); 

<Col xs={24} sm={24} md={24} lg={24}>
            <FormItem {...formItemLayout}
              label={intl.formatMessage({ id: `` })}>
              {getFieldDecorator(`disable`, {
                initialValue: "https://"
                  ? "https://"
                  : ""
              })(<Input style={{ color: "#3e3e3ed9"}} disabled="disabled"/>)}
              {getFieldDecorator(`userName`, {
                initialValue: selectedData_.userName
                  ? selectedData_.userName
                  : ""
              })(<Input className="inputLink" name="userName" ref={this.myRef} onChange={this.mascaraUserName} placeholder={intl.formatMessage({
                id: ``
              })} />)}

There are 1 best solutions below


You can make the input controlled and then intercept any change that tries to remove the initial "/":

Code sandbox

import React, { useState } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [link, setLink] = useState("/");

  return (
      onChange={(e) => {
        const value =;
        if (!value.startsWith("/")) e.preventDefault();
        else setLink(value);

Edit: Didn't notice this was react native (it's not tagged as it) but I'll leave my answer here since you can probably still use the logic to achieve what you want.