How to avoid caching on importmap.js in micro frontend (Single-spa) applications

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2 micro frontends and root application deployed in S3 bucket through AWS cloudfront distribution.

in my s3 bucket files have stored in following structure

  • app1_281 (react micro frontend)
  • app2_13 (react micro frontend)
  • my-org-name-root-config.js
  • importmap.json
  • index.html


  "imports": {
    "single-spa": "[email protected]/lib/system/single-spa.min.js",
    "@my-org-name/root-config": "",
    "react": "[email protected]/umd/react.production.min.js",
    "react-dom": "[email protected]/umd/react-dom.production.min.js",
    "app1": "",
    "app2": ""

I use jenkins for CI-CD and let's say if i build app1, then the new build number appends to the folder path of app1 as mentioned below in importmap.json.

"app1": "",

The challenge arises when inspecting the importmap in the browser. it consistently displays the old version(281 instead of 282), and need a hard refresh to view the updated importmap.

Also this issue becomes problematic when routing from app1 to app2 using single-spa-router, resulting in a white screen.



There are 1 best solutions below


This isn't really a single-spa problem, but a browser caching problem that can be solved using the usual techniques. Pick one of your liking and implement it in your CI/CD. Personally, I deploy my micro-frontends in Kubernetes Nginx pods configured to include the Cache-Control header set to no-cache. By default, Nginx will calculate the ETags of all files, so this completes the solution.