How to avoid making multiple connections to postgres database when accessing using R

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I'm using the following code however it is creating multiple connections when calling the map function and they are not closing. As a result my rds database is getting flooded with connections. Is there any way to change this code to prevent so many connections? <- function (dbname, schema = "public", host, port, user, pass) {
      con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),
                       dbname = dbname,
                       user = user,
                       password = pass,
                       host = host,
                       port = port)
      # this puts the schema in the search path, which means that instead of
      # having to use <schema name>.<table name> you can just write <table name>
      res <- dbSendQuery(con, paste0("SET search_path TO ",
                                     dbQuoteIdentifier(con, schema),
                                     ", public"))
      # check for errors

    schemas <- dbGetQuery(, "public", host, port, user, password), paste0("SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata"))
    schema_names <- schemas %>% pull()
    schemas_tables <- map(.x = schema_names,~dbGetQuery(, "public", host, port, user, password), paste0("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ","'",.x,"'")) %>% mutate(schema_name = .x)) %>%

There are 1 best solutions below


Create a single global connection object and use it within map. (I remove the unnecessary paste0 from your first query.)

conn <-, "public", host, port, user, password)
schema <- dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata")

schemas_tables <- map(
  .x = schema$schema_name,
  ~ dbGetQuery(conn, paste0("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ","'",.x,"'")) %>%
    mutate(schema_name = .x)
) %>%

You may want to consider parameterized queries vice constructing query strings manually. While there are security concerns about malicious SQL injection (e.g., XKCD's Exploits of a Mom aka "Little Bobby Tables"), it is also a concern for malformed strings or Unicode-vs-ANSI mistakes, even if it's a single data analyst running the query. Both DBI (with odbc) and RODBC support parameterized queries, either natively or via add-ons.

That would change this to:

schemas_tables <- map(
  .x = schema$schema_name,
  ~ dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ?",
               params = list(.x)) %>%
    mutate(schema_name = .x)
) %>%

But frankly, I think it might be much easier to use IN instead of =. Again, using parameter-binding.

schemas_tables <- dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema IN (?)",
                             params = list(schema$schema_name))

(No map required.)

Or I believe you can do it in one query, not two.

dbGetQuery(conn, "
    select table_name
    from information_schema.tables
    where table_schema in (
      select schema_name from information_schema.schemata


... to close the connection when you are done.
