How to build a custom Validator for Castle Validation on client-side?

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I'm using castle validation and I'd like to know why my validator is not working :

    public class PositiveIntegerValidator : AbstractValidator

    public override bool IsValid(object instance, object fieldValue)
        if (fieldValue == null || !(fieldValue is int))
            return false;
        return ((int)fieldValue) > 0;

    public override bool SupportsBrowserValidation
        get { return true; }

    public override void ApplyBrowserValidation(BrowserValidationConfiguration config, InputElementType inputType, IBrowserValidationGenerator generator, System.Collections.IDictionary attributes, string target)
        base.ApplyBrowserValidation(config, inputType, generator, attributes, target);

        generator.SetValueRange(target, 0,int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage);

    protected override string BuildErrorMessage()
        return ErrorMessage;
public class ValidatePositiveIntegerAttribute : AbstractValidationAttribute
    public ValidatePositiveIntegerAttribute(string msg) :base(msg){}
    public override IValidator Build()
        PositiveIntegerValidator positiveIntegerValidator = new PositiveIntegerValidator();
        return positiveIntegerValidator;

And my field

  public class PackageViewModel
//            ...
            [ValidateNonEmpty,ValidatePositiveInteger("The package count must be positive")]
            public int nbPackage { get; set; }

And my view


The ValidateNonEmpty validate on both client and server side, but the ValidatePositiveInteger is not.

I've seen this thread Min Length Custom AbstractValidationAttribute and Implementing Castle.Components.Validator.IValidator , but I can't see any difference between my code and his.


There are 1 best solutions below


I finally found it after browsing Castle Validation source code :

The default validation is PrototypeWebValidator, and this validator uses PrototypeValidationGenerator for client side validation, and this implementation doesn't do anything when you call "SetValueRange" :

  public void SetValueRange(string target, int minValue, int maxValue, string violationMessage)

so that seems logical that my client side validation is not working (the PrototypeValidationGenerator didn't implement this functionnality mainly because the underlying validation API, didn't impement it as well).

So I decided to extend this because it's a framework and it's the purpose of a framework : provide a frame and let you work in it.

So I created the generator

public class PrototypeValidationGeneratorExtension : PrototypeWebValidator.PrototypeValidationGenerator
    private PrototypeWebValidator.PrototypeValidationConfiguration _config;
    public PrototypeValidationGeneratorExtension(PrototypeWebValidator.PrototypeValidationConfiguration config, InputElementType inputType, IDictionary attributes)
        _config = config;
    public new void SetValueRange(string target, int minValue, int maxValue, string violationMessage)
                    this._config.AddCustomRule("validate-range",violationMessage,string.Format("min : {0}, max : {1}", minValue, maxValue));

The validator provide some functionnality for adding custom validation The Validator that is needed by the formhelper :

 public class PrototypeWebValidatorExtension : PrototypeWebValidator
    public new IBrowserValidationGenerator CreateGenerator(BrowserValidationConfiguration config, InputElementType inputType, IDictionary attributes)
        return new PrototypeValidationGeneratorExtension((PrototypeWebValidator.PrototypeValidationConfiguration)config, inputType, attributes);

And you wire castle to your validator on your base controller like this :

        protected override void Initialize()
            ((FormHelper)this.Helpers["Form"]).UseWebValidatorProvider(new PrototypeWebValidatorExtension());
//    ...

I have a BaseController but this solution is not the best, but I couldn't find out how to inject it in the castle monorail's configuration.

I'll try to commit this to the source base of Castle Monorail ...