How to cache pods IPs and access it with http request

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I have an idea to implement and i need to create a cache for the pods IPs in a kubernetes cluster and then use an http request to access the cached IPs. I'm using Golang and as i'm new in this field i would be so grateful if anyone have an idea how to implement that. I searched a lot in internet but i didn't find any simple examples to use as a start.

I started with a piece of code to get the podlist what i need is to put he podlist in a cache, like that each time a request arrives it will use the cache insead of using the kubernetes api o get the IPs.

kubeClient, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(cfg)

if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error building kubernetes clientset: %v\n", err)
options := metav1.ListOptions{
        LabelSelector: "app=hello",}
podList, _ := kubeClient.CoreV1().Pods("namespace").List(options).  What i need is to create a cache for the IPs of hello pods for-example and when an http request arrive to my http server, the request will use directly the cached IPs 

I appreciate your help.

Thank you in advance,


There are 1 best solutions below


There's only one correct answer to such question: Leave it. It's a very, very bad idea. Believe me, with such solution you'll only generate more problems that you will need to solve. What about updating such cache when a Pod gets recreated and both its name and IP changes ?

Pod in kubernetes is an object of ephemeral nature and it can be destroyed and recreated in totally normal circumstances e.g. as a result of scaling down the cluster and draining the node Pods are evicted and rescheduled on a different node, with completely different names and IP addresses.

The only stable manner of accessing your Pods is via a Service that exposes them.

To minimize the latency when receiving each time a new request i need to use the Ips from a cache instead of trying to get the ip of the pod from the kubernetes API

It's really reinventing the wheel. Every time a Service is created (except Services without selectors), the corresponding Endpoints object is created as well. And in fact it acts exactly like the caching mechanism you need. It keeps track of all IP addresses of Pods and gets updated if a Pod gets recreated and its IP changes. This way you have a guarantee that it is always up to date. When implementing any cache mechanism you would need to call the kubernetes API anyway, to make sure that a Pod with such IP still exists and if it doesn't, what was created instead of it, with what name, with what IP address. Quite bothersome, isn't it ?

And it is not true that each time you access a Pod you need to make a call to kubernetes API to get its IP address. In fact,Service is implemented as a set of iptables rules on each node. When the request hits the virtual IP of the Service it actually falls into specific iptables chain and gets routed by the the kernel to the backend Pod. Kubernetes networking is really wide topic, so I recommend you to read about it e.g. using the resources I attached in the end, but not going into unnecessary details it's worth mentioning that each time cluster configuration changes (e.g. some Pod is recreated and gets a different IP and the respective Endpoints object, that keeps track of Pods IPs for the specific Service, changes), kube-proxy which runs as a container on every node takes care of updating the above mentioned iptables forwarding rules. If running in iptables mode (which is the most common implementation) kube-proxy configures Netfilter chains so the connection is routed directly to the backend container’s endpoint by the node’s kernel.

So API call is made only when the cluster configuration changes so that kube-proxy can update iptables rules. Normally when you're accessing the Pod via a Service, the traffic is routed to backend Pods based on current iptables rules without a need for asking kubenetes API about the IP of such Pod.

In fact, Krishna Chaurasia have already answered your question (shortly but 100% correct) by saying:

You should not access pod by their IPs. They are not persisted across pod restarts.


that's not how K8s work. Requests are forwarded based on the Service generally and they are redirected towards the matching pods based on label/selectors. – Krishna Chaurasia 4 hours ago

I can only agree with that. And my reasons for "why" have been explained in detail above.

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