I am trying to learn some facial landmark detection model, and notice that many of them use NME(Normalized Mean Error) as performance metric:

enter image description here

The formula is straightforward, it calculate the l2 distance between ground-truth points and model prediction result, then divided it by a normalized factor, which vary from different dataset.

However, when adopting this formula on some landmark detector that some one developed, i have to deal with this non-trivial situation, that is some detector may not able to generate enough number landmarks for some input image(might because of NMS/model inherited problem/image quality etc). Thus some of ground-truth points might not have their corresponding one in the prediction result.

So how to solve this problem, should i just add such missing point result to "failure result set" and use FR to measure the model, and ignore them when doing the NME calculation?


There are 1 best solutions below


If you have as output of neural network an vector 10x1 as example that is your points like [x1,y1,x2,y2...x5,y5]. This vector will be fixed length cause of number of neurons in your model. If you have missing points - this is because (as example you have 4 from 5 points) some points are go beyond the image width and height. Or are with minus (negative) like [-0.1, -0.2, 0.5,0.7 ...] there first 2 points you can not see on image like they are mission but they will be in vector and you can callculate NME. In some custom neural nets that can be possible, because missing values will be changed to biggest error points.