How to call kaltura video in jw player

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I am using kaltura server for video trans-coding. And i want to use JW player to display video. If i open kaltura video url in browser it works fine. and also when i add any mp4 file or youtube video url in JW player it is also working fine. But i want to use kaltura videos in JW player.

Please find the code which i am using here:-

'flashplayer': 'jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf',
        'file': '/p/101/sp/10100/serveFlavor/flavorId/0_evyl5mbk/seekFrom/-1',
        'image': '',
        'controlbar': 'bottom',
        'width': '640',
        'height': '480'

Can you guys please let me know how can I use JW player for kaltura videos.


There are 3 best solutions below


You can use playable URL to play video as mp4 file

"file": 'Your Kaltura domain'+'/p/'+partnerId+ '/sp/'+"subpartnerId"+"/playManifest/entryId/"+entryId + "/format/url/video.mp4"

JW Player supports either videos that you host yourself, or videos provided by YouTube. There is no support for other providers.


We can play Kaltura videos using JWPlayer.

This is not the way to call using JWPlayer. Try this, it should works well

    'flashplayer': 'jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf',
            'file': 'http://yourKalturaServerIp/p/101/sp/10100/serveFlavor/entryId/flavorId/play.mp4 or whatever the format',
            'image': '',
            'controlbar': 'bottom',
            'width': '640',
            'height': '480'

Also you can use playManifest API, it is a good sign always to play them from Kaltura.

Good luck