How to change English statement to First Order Logic

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I have an if/else statement that need to be changed to First Order Logic..

To reduce the number of applications that are used during online classes.

The If/else statement is below this:

For any Students,and any Lecturers 
If Students_Open_Other_Applications = true OR Students_in_Class_Session = false
 OR Lecturers_in_Class_Session = false AND Class_Mode = "F2F" AND Same_Session = true
    THEN Notice_Lecturer = true AND Notice_Students = true

I am actually not quite understand and try build the FOL like this (I dont know is it correct or not)..

∀x ,∀y Students(x),Lecturers(y) [([OpenOtherApp(x) ∨ ¬InClass(x) ∨ ¬InClass(y)] ∧ ClassMode("F2F") ∧ SameSession(x,y)) 
→   Notice(x) ∧ Notice(y)]

Then, I try to separate it from two perspective:

Students :-

For every students, that open other app or not in class and class mode F2F then lecturer and student in same class will be noticed

∀xStudents(x) [([OpenOtherApp(x)∨¬InClass(x)] ∧ ClassMode("F2F")) → (Notice(x) ∧ Notice(y))]


For every lecturer that not in class and class mode F2F then lecturer and student in same class will be noticed

∀yLecturers(y) [(¬InClass(y) ∧ ClassMode("F2F")) → (Notice(x) ∧ Notice(y))]

I dont know if those three first order logics are true.. I need to combine both statement into one statement.. Can someone guide me through and thorough way?


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