How to check if a class implements interface methods in NRefactory

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I have two file. One of this is a class declaration and other is interface declaration. Class should implements interface. How can I check in NRefactory if class implements interface methods?

I should give more details.

First file - for example:

class Test : IF

and the second

interface IF
    void Foo();

I have to read these files and parse with NRefactory. I need to check if class Test implements method from interface IF.

Without compilation and loading compiled assembly.


There are 3 best solutions below


I found solution in NRefactory code. I've modified this in order to achive my goals. First we should implement visitor which check if classes implements each method from interface:

public class MissingInterfaceMemberImplementationVisitor : DepthFirstAstVisitor
    private readonly CSharpAstResolver _resolver;
    public bool IsInterfaceMemberMissing { get; private set; }
    public MissingInterfaceMemberImplementationVisitor(CSharpAstResolver resolver)
        _resolver = resolver;
        IsInterfaceMemberMissing = false;

    public override void VisitTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration)
        if (typeDeclaration.ClassType == ClassType.Interface || typeDeclaration.ClassType == ClassType.Enum)
        var rr = _resolver.Resolve(typeDeclaration);
        if (rr.IsError)
        foreach (var baseType in typeDeclaration.BaseTypes)
            var bt = _resolver.Resolve(baseType);
            if (bt.IsError || bt.Type.Kind != TypeKind.Interface)
            bool interfaceMissing;
            var toImplement = ImplementInterfaceAction.CollectMembersToImplement(rr.Type.GetDefinition(), bt.Type, false, out interfaceMissing);
            if (toImplement.Count == 0)

            IsInterfaceMemberMissing = true;

And now we have to read all files, parse them and invoke above class in a following way:

var solutionFiles = new List<FileInfo>();
var trees = new Dictionary<FileInfo, SyntaxTree>();
IProjectContent projectContent = new CSharpProjectContent();
foreach (var file in solutionFiles.Where(f => f.Extension == ".cs").Distinct())
    var parser = new ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.CSharpParser();
    SyntaxTree syntaxTree;
    using (var fs = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, FileOptions.SequentialScan))
        syntaxTree = parser.Parse(fs, file.FullName);
    trees.Add(file, syntaxTree);
    var unresolvedFile = syntaxTree.ToTypeSystem();
    projectContent = projectContent.AddOrUpdateFiles(unresolvedFile);
var compilation = projectContent.CreateCompilation();

foreach (var sharpFile in trees)
    var originalResolver = new CSharpAstResolver(compilation, sharpFile.Value, sharpFile.Value.ToTypeSystem());
    var visitor = new MissingInterfaceMemberImplementationVisitor(originalResolver);
    if (visitor.IsInterfaceMemberMissing)
       return false;
return true;

Use the is keyword

if (myObj is IMyInterface) {

Alternatively, you can also use as keyword.

class MyClass {  }
interface IInterface {  }

MyClass instance = new MyClass();
var inst = instance as IInterface;
if (inst != null)
    // your class implements the interface

Use this when you need that instance use afterwards without additional reference typing. Using is you still need to do

if (instance is IInterface) 
    var inst = (IInterface) instance;


(instance as IInterface).InstanceProperty

so why don't do it right away.