How to check update and insert while using bulkCreate in node.js

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I am using node.js to upload an excel file into the database, in my service i am using bulkCreate to upload the data into the mysql db.Let me post the table structure

  table name : customer_details
  customer_org_id INT,
  customer_name VARCHAR,
  customer_type char,
  active boolean,
  customer_slot VARCHAR,
  service_start_time DATE,
  service_end_time DATE

I have one additional requirement that is, while i will upload the excel and try to push into the db then it must check in the database that customer_org_id &customer_name exists in the database or not.If the combination exists then the existing record will be updated and active column will be false.And a new row will be inserted with customer_org_id & customer_name and the active will be set to true.I am able to do the individual operations like create , update ,delete etc but i don't understand where to put these operations together while doing a bulkCreate. I am posting my code

const upload = async(req,res) => {
      if(req.file == undefined){
        return res.status(400).send("Please upload an excel file");
  let path=
    __basedir + "/resources/static/assets/uploads/" + req.file.filename;

      let custdetail = [];
        let custdetails ={
          customer_org_id: row[0],
          customer_name :row[1],
          customer_type :row[2],
          active :row[3],
          customer_slot: row[4],                           

       message: "Uploaded the file successfully :" + req.file.originalname,
       .catch((error) =>{
        message : "Fail to import data into DB",
        error : error.message,
    message : "Could not upload the file :" +req.file.originalname,

Can anyone let me know how i can do the operations before adding data to the Db ? I am new to node js


There are 1 best solutions below


If I understood it correctly, it seems that bulkCreate is not best solution for your problem, because, you will need to do a validation and create/update for each line of your array.

I didn't understand all your requirements, but the code would be something close to this:

const upload = async (rows) => {
  const promises = (sindleRow) => {
    const customer = await CustomerDetails.find({ where: { customer_org_id: row[0], customer_name: row[1] }})

    if (customer !== undefined) { // CUSTOMER FOUND
      await CustomerDetails.update({ where: { id: }, data: { active: false }})
      await CustomerDetails.create({ data: { customer_org_id: row[0], customer_name: row[1], active: false }})

  return await Promise.all(promises);

Important: This code is only an example.

Your scenario does not seem to benefit from the use of a bulkCreate, because the data needs to be individually verified.