How to choose a different header image in MS Word 2013 using a macro/button

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I'd like to create a Word stationary template with ability to cycle through different colored logos in its header. My company uses a logo in five different colors and I would like to create a single template with a button that would allow me to cycle through the different colored logos every time I create a new document from this template. Can this be done, perhaps with a little VBA?

Edit: After working with an answer from Olle Sjögren I've come up with the following working script:

Option Explicit
Public imgCounter As Integer

Sub cycle_logos()

Dim I As Variant
Dim logoColors(4) As String
logoColors(0) = "logo_magenta.png"
logoColors(1) = "logo_teal.png"
logoColors(2) = "logo_orange.png"
logoColors(3) = "logo_red.png"
logoColors(4) = "logo_grayscale.png"

For Each I In logoColors
    ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdPrimaryHeaderStory).ShapeRange.Item(I).Visible = msoFalse
Next I

imgCounter = imgCounter + 1
If imgCounter = 5 Then imgCounter = 0
ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdPrimaryHeaderStory).ShapeRange.Item(logoColors(imgCounter)).Visible = msoTrue

End Sub

It is worth mentioning how I came up with the image names, since I didn't find a way to do this from inside Word. I renamed the template extension to zip and unzipped it. In the extracted files I opened word\header2.xml (this may vary, depending on the position in the document) and edited the nodes containing the names of pictures, i.e. <wp:docPr/>, e.g.:

<wp:docPr name="Picture 1" id="1"/>


<wp:docPr name="logo_magenta.png" id="1"/>

etc. I then replaced the XML file in the ZIP with my edited version and changed the extension back to dotm.


There are 1 best solutions below


As mentioned, there are several ways to do this. I would suggest storing the images outside of the template, otherwise all documents based on the templates would include all logo images, even if they are not shown, making the documents bigger than they need to be. That approach makes installing the template a bit harder, since you would have to copy the images to the clients as well as the template file.

To answer your question regarding addressing the images in the header - you can address then through the correct story range object. In my example I assume that they are in the primary header. To tell the different images apart, you can use the Name property or the index in the Item collection:

ThisDocument.StoryRanges(wdPrimaryHeaderStory).ShapeRange.Item("Picture 1").Visible = msoTrue
ThisDocument.StoryRanges(wdPrimaryHeaderStory).ShapeRange.Item(1).Visible = msoFalse