How to combine multiple arrayFilters for a single key

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Let's say I have a schema in this format:

const some_schema = new mongoose.Schema({
    "id": { type: Number },
    "list": [
            id: { type: Number },
            value: { type: Number }

I need to update multiple objects in the list using arrayFilters given that every key in the arrayFilters is unique and will only match 1 object in the list.

I can make dynamic keys using JS like so:

//original doc values:
    "id": 10,
    "list": [
        { id: 1, value: 5 },
        { id: 2, value: 10 }

let updates = [ { id: 1, newValue: 10 }, { id: 2, newValue: 20 }];
let queryOptions = { arrayFilters: [] }, queryUpdates = { $set: {} };

for (const key in updates) {
    queryOptions.arrayFilters.push({ [`${key}`]: key });
    queryUpdates.$set[[`elem.$[${key}].value`]] = updates[key].newValue;
//update query
await doc.updateOne(queryUpdates, queryOptions);

//updated doc values:
    "id": 10,
    "list": [
        { id: 1, value: 10 },
        { id: 2, value: 20 }

Is there some way to do this directly in arrayFilters or some other method in MongoDB without having to make dynamic keys like the above?


There are 1 best solutions below


You may work on the update with the aggregation pipeline.

  1. $let - Declare the variable(s) with updates array.

    1.1. $map - Iterate each element in the list array.

    1.1.1. $mergeObjects - Merge the current iterated element (ori) with the result from If the result does exist, the current iterated element's fields will be updated. Otherwise, it remains as the original. $first & $filter - Get the first matching element from the newList by matching id.

await doc.updateOne({
  id: 10 // Update condition
    $set: {
      list: {
        $let: {
          vars: {
            newList: updates
          in: {
            $map: {
              input: "$list",
              as: "ori",
              in: {
                $mergeObjects: [
                    $first: {
                      $filter: {
                        input: "$$newList",
                        cond: {
                          $eq: [

Note that the objects in the updates array are required to have the same field name as in your document in order to update (overwrite) the value.

Demo @ Mongo Playground