How to consume Cloudant NoSQL DB service instances in mobile project

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I have created a 'Mobile App' project in bluemix here: https//

And while following the steps for creating the project I have added 'Cloudant Sync' as a STARTER. After creating the project I have added the two capabilities i.e. 'Authentication' and 'Data'. For Authentication I chose login from 'Google' and 'Facebook' both and for 'Data' I selected an already existing Cloudant DB instance into the project.

Then I downloaded the project and ran the project in Android Studio, here I was able to login with 'Google' account.

But, after login nothing happens. I want to get cloudant data in the android application because I have already added 'Data' (by selecting cloudant DB service) capability to the project.

I don't know how to make use of cloudant DB service in this project. What should I do next to get the cloudant data in this android application ?

Please refer the screenshot attached for the two things i.e. android application after login and the Mobile App that I created in bluemix.

Android app after login

'Mobile App' created on bluemix


There are 1 best solutions below


There should be a button in the starter that lets you add data (as todos) to your project: starter picture

This should connect to your Cloudant NoSQL DB service instance (when you download the project, you should have your service instance creds in the credentials.xml) and update when you create/delete new todos.