How to convert a inconsistent dictionary to .ini dynamically using python?

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I have a use case where I ll be getting complex dictionaries as inputs in a inconsistent hirarchy. one use case would be like below :

pro : 1
rel : 1.2
del : demo
cb :{
 a : b
cd : {
 en : {
  b : a
cc : {
a : b

I used something like this : -

def jsonToDict(data):
    d = data
    res = defaultdict(dict)

    def dict2ini(d, root):
        for k, v in d.items():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                _key = '%s.%s' % (root, k) if root else k
                if v:
                    dict2ini(v, _key)
                    res[_key] = {}
            elif isinstance(v, (str,int, float)):
                res[root] = {k:v}
    dict2ini(d, '')

    config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
    for key in sorted(res.keys()):
        for subKey, value in res[key].items():
            config.set(key, subKey, value)

    with open('example.ini', 'w') as configfile:

but the above doesn't process all the values present in my dict but only the first line in each section. I went through [ConfigParser][1]. But I am unable to find a solution to my use case can someone suggest me some workaround this also please note the above data is not fixed it will be changing according to our needs.


pro = 1
rel = 1.2
del = demo


## suppose if multiple data is present in cd then 
## end


There are 1 best solutions below


First, take a close look at your code. In dict2ini you iterate over a list of items in d:

    for k, v in d.items():

And if v is a scalar value, you add it to the res dictionary...but you always use the same key:

        elif isinstance(v, (str, int, float)):
            res[root] = {k: v}

So for each item in the dictionary, you're going to override the previous value of res[root]. With a few minor changes, I think you'll get closer to what you want:

def dict2ini(d, root):
    section = res[root]
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            _key = '%s.%s' % (root, k) if root else k
            if v:
                dict2ini(v, _key)
                section[_key] = {}
        elif isinstance(v, (str,int, float)):
            section[k] = v
dict2ini(d, '')

This gives me as output:

pro = 1
del = demo
rel = 1.2


a = b

a = b


b = a

You obviously have a few additional things to fix there, but hopefully that sets you in the right direction.