How to convert a list of countries into their corresponding continents using pycountry_convert?

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I am trying to convert the list of countries in my dataset into their corresponding continents . I am using this code for help link: country convert to continent

but i got error when try to execute the code given above :

" KeyError: "Invalid Country Alpha-2 code: 'AQ'" "

Here is my code :

import pycountry_convert as pc

def country_to_continent(country_name):
    country_alpha2 = pc.country_name_to_country_alpha2(country_name)
    country_continent_code = pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(country_alpha2)
    country_continent_name = pc.convert_continent_code_to_continent_name(country_continent_code)
    return country_continent_name
countries = list(temp['Area'])

[country_to_continent(country)for country in countries]

temp is the name of my dataset


There are 1 best solutions below


The error indicated is caused by the translation from country name to alpha2 code. In the lib source files AQ (the offical code) is missing (under windows in AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib\site-packages\pycountry_convert\ I added 'AQ': 'AN', on line 19).

However, there some error after that cause by the naming of some countries (the dataset does not claim those are countries but rather areas):

  • Belgium-Luxembourg: not a country
  • Bolivia (Plurinational State of): Just called Bolivia by the lib
  • Channel Islands: Not a country
  • China, Hong Kong SAR: Just Hong Kong
  • China, Macao SAR: Just Macao
  • China, mainland: Not sure why there is China as well as this.
  • China, Taiwan Province of: Just Taiwan

I'll stop here since you get the drift. Some dataset cleeanup necessary, after that it works.