How to convert file back to Asset

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I am using the multiple file picker package on, the link is below in conjunction with the image cropper package by Yalantis to let my user pick multiple images and then crop them at will.

I am using this code to convert my asset into a file and feed it into the cropper. And it works.

final temp = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp();
final data = await finalList[index].getByteData();
File failo = await File('${temp.path}/img').writeAsBytes(
    data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes));

print("The path is ${temp.path}");
File croppedFailo = await ImageCropper.cropImage(
  sourcePath: failo.path,
  androidUiSettings: AndroidUiSettings(toolbarTitle: "My App"),

The tricky bit is to convert it back to an asset so that i can replace the old uncropped asset with this new cropped one..I read through the Asset documentation of the package and I tried this but it made my app crash

 Asset croppedPic = new Asset(

finalList.replaceRange(index, index + 1, [croppedPic]);

EDIT: When i say "asset", i am not referring to images i manually added to the assets/images folder in the app. The multi image picker plugin has a file- type called asset in which it returns images. That is the type to which i want to convert my file back into.


There are 1 best solutions below


Never mind. I figured it's too unnecessarily complicated to do that. So, i instead just reformatted my entire code to handle images as files instead of assets. And, it actually made my life a lot simpler coz files give you more versatility and less problems than assets.