How to correctly restrict access to nested content in Neo4J-GraphQL?

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I'd like to implement a basic Post system, such as described in the documentation.

A Post is related to a user, I'd like a Post to be only created/updated/deleted by its author.

type Post {
  title: String!
  content: String!
  author: User! @relationship(type: "AUTHORED", direction: IN)

type User @authorization(validate: [{ when: [BEFORE], where: { node: { id: "$jwt.sub" } } }]$
  id: ID @id
  username: String!
  password: String! #@private
  roles: [String!]

As I set authorization for User, creating or accessing a Post is working fine when sending the right token, e.g. with

mutation CreatePosts {
    input: [
        author: {
          connect: {
            where: { node: { id: "bab52c2f-9e09-4abc-871c-c921686a0ab0" } }
        content: "content"
        title: "title"
  ) {
    posts {
      author {

With this schema setting, no authorization is needed to delete a Post, and that's an issue. I tried to restrict with the following, coming from the documentation :

type Post @authorization(filter: [
    { where: { node: { author: { id: "$jwt.sub" } } } }
]) {
  • with a correct token, the returned author after CreatePosts is null
  • with a bad token, I get "Forbidden"

With @authorization(validate: ... I always get "Forbidden".

I couldn't manage to use @authentication with other restriction that roles_INCLUDES.

Thanks very much for your help.


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