how to create a custom dialog and receive results in android?

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i have an activity that when user click on button , a dialog open. in this dialog there is a spinner that have 3 choices: Blue,Red,Green. and there is a submit button. i want that when user select a color and click on submit, in caller activity, its String color set to selected color in dialog. i try this: but not worked. please help me....

String color;
String dialogColor;

showDialog.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context);
            dialog.setTitle("my dialog");

            Spinner spinner = (Spinner) dialog.findViewById(;

            final TextView status = (TextView) dialog.findViewById(;
            Button submit = (Button) dialog.findViewById(;

            spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
                public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                    dialogColor = parent.getItemAtPosition(position).toString();
                    status.setText("Color is: "+dialogColor);
                    color = dialogColor;

                public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent) {


        submit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent intent = new Intent();




i use both of direct and with intent ways to assign my color String to selected value. but not worked. where i have mistake?


There are 1 best solutions below


I think the best way to create custom dialogs now is the Dialog Fragment, because the simple dialog it's limited. For example it's the way to create a dialogs with material design. And you have a differents ways to take info from dialog fragment, the first and the second for example.

This is basic code to create a dialog fragment:

//Method to call and start dialog fragment class
public void ShowPhotoFilesDialog(Activity context,File photo){
    //Declaration of classes
    Custom_DialogFragment custom_dialogFragment = new Custom_DialogFragment ();

    FragmentManager fragmentManager = context.getFragmentManager();

    // The device is using a large layout, so show the fragment as a dialog, "dialog");

And this is the basic dialog fragment class:

public class Custom_DialogFragment extends DialogFragment {

public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    try {
        // The only reason you might override this method when using onCreateView() is
        // to modify any dialog characteristics. For example, the dialog includes a
        // title by default, but your custom layout might not need it. So here you can
        // remove the dialog title, but you must call the superclass to get the Dialog.
        Dialog dialog = super.onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState);
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
        //To hide action bar from layout

        //Declaration of controls
        View v = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.my_custom_layout);

        //My code

        return builder.create();
    catch (Exception ex){
        Log.e("-- Custom_DialogFragment.onCreateDialog --","",ex);
        return null;

Tell me if I helped you, good programming!