How to delete blank node and its associated triples one sparql query?

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Sample data:

@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xs: <> .
@prefix p0: <> .
@prefix p2: <> .
_:bnode7021016689601753065 p0:lastModifiedDateTime "2018-09-14T12:55:38"^^<xsd:dateTime> ;
                           p0:lastModifiedUser "admin"^^xs:string .
<> p0:hasClassingFacet ""^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:type "Normal"^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:classification _:bnode3452184423513029143 ,
                                                       _:bnode6827572371999795686 ;
                                     p0:recordType "Name"^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:recordNumber "4204078359"^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:stdDescriptor "classification111111"^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:establishedBy "admin"^^xs:string ;
                                     skos:prefLabel "classification111111"^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:createdBy "admin"^^xs:string ;
                                     a skos:Concept ;
                                     p0:createdDate "2018-09-14T12:55:38"^^<xsd:dateTime> ;
                                     p0:establishedDate "2018-09-14T12:55:38"^^<xsd:dateTime> ;
                                     p0:hasRAsubFacet ""^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:lastModifiedDate "2018-09-14T12:55:38"^^<xsd:dateTime> ;
                                     p0:lastModifiedDetails _:bnode7021016689601753065 ;
                                     p0:isProblematic "N,N"^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:lastModifiedBy "admin"^^xs:string ;
                                     p0:status "established"^^xs:string .
_:bnode3452184423513029143 p0:literature p2:1513 ;
                           p0:timePeriod p2:1005 ;
                           p0:language p2:3199 .
_:bnode6827572371999795686 p0:literature p2:11307 ;
                           p0:timePeriod p2:1009 ;
                           p0:language p2:31 .

In in the above data I want to delete the classification blank nodes and it associated data which is p0:literature, p0:timePeriod, p0:language

Below sparql query is deleting the blank node associated triples which is the expected behaviour.

PREFIX skos-mla: <>
PREFIX name: <>

WITH <thesaurus-term>
  ?class ?p ?o .
  name:4408003840 skos-mla:classification ?class .
  ?class ?p ?o .

I mean this data

_:bnode3452184423513029143 p0:literature p2:1513 ;
                           p0:timePeriod p2:1005 ;
                           p0:language p2:3199 .
_:bnode6827572371999795686 p0:literature p2:11307 ;
                           p0:timePeriod p2:1009 ;
                           p0:language p2:31 .

But I also want to delete the classification triples with the main IRI. these triples:

                     p0:classification _:bnode3452184423513029143 ,
                                       _:bnode6827572371999795686 ;

I have to delete the triples in a single sparql.


There are 1 best solutions below


For the above sample data, the following update will remove the p0:classification triples along with everything about both bNodes related with it:

PREFIX p0: <>

delete {
    <> p0:classification ?bnode .
    ?bnode ?p ?o .
} where {
    <> p0:classification ?bnode .
    ?bnode ?p ?o .