How to delete scrollbar from react resource-time for FullCalendar?

133 Views Asked by At

I used resource time of react Full Calendar, my code is:

resource:  '',
 events: ''

 <FullCalendar className="mb-4" defaultView="resourceTimelineDay"  locale={this.state.locale}  
resourceAreaWidth="15%" resourceLabelText="Praticiens" displayEventEnd={true}  header={{ left: "prev,next today", center: "title", right: "resourceTimelineDay,resourceTimelineWeek,resourceTimelineMonth"}} plugins={[resourceTimelinePlugin,
 timelinePlugin]} ref={this.calendarComponentRef} events={} contentHeight={500} 
resources={this.state.resource} schedulerLicenseKey='CC-Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives'/>

When I run it, I get :

enter image description here

When I use the bottom scroll, I get:

![enter image description here

I used this:

But, I want to make minTime and maxTime without scroll, and I want the rows will be all aligned not to 11h like the example.

How can I fix it ?


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