How to detect if a directed graph is cyclic?

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How can we detect if a directed graph is cyclic? I thought using breadth first search, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?


There are 6 best solutions below


Usually depth-first search is used instead. I don't know if BFS is applicable easily.

In DFS, a spanning tree is built in order of visiting. If a the ancestor of a node in the tree is visited (i.e. a back-edge is created), then we detect a cycle.

See for a more detailed explanation.


Testing for Topological sort over the given graph will lead you to the solution. If the algorithm for topsort, i.e the edges should always be directed in one way fails, then it means that the graph contains cycles.


Another simple solution would be a mark-and-sweep approach. Basically, for each node in tree you flag it as "visited" and then move on to it's children. If you ever see a node with the "visted" flag set, you know there's a cycle.

If modifying the graph to include a "visited" bit isn't possible, a set of node pointers can be used instead. To flag a node as visited, you place a pointer to it in the set. If the pointer is already in the set, there's a cycle.


What you really need, I believe, is a topological sorting algorithm like the one described here:

If the directed graph has a cycle then the algorithm will fail.

The comments/replies that I've seen so far seem to be missing the fact that in a directed graph there may be more than one way to get from node X to node Y without there being any (directed) cycles in the graph.


Use DFS to search if any path is cyclic

class Node<T> { T value; List<Node<T>> adjacent;  }

class Graph<T>{

    List<Node<T>> nodes;

   public boolean isCyclicRec()

      for (Node<T> node : nodes)
            Set<Node<T>> initPath = new HashSet<>();
            if (isCyclicRec(node, initPath))
              return true;
      return false;

   private boolean isCyclicRec(Node<T> currNode, Set<Node<T>> path)
      if (path.contains(currNode))
        return true;
        for (Node<T> node : currNode.adjacent)
            if (isCyclicRec(node, path))
                return true;
      return false;

how about a level no assignment to detect a cycle. eg: consider the graph below. A->(B,C) B->D D->(E,F) E,F->(G) E->D As you perform a DFS start assigning a level no to the node you visit (root A=0). level no of node = parent+1. So A=0, B=1, D=2, F=3, G=4 then, recursion reaches D, so E=3. Dont mark level for G (G already a level no assigned which is grater than E) Now E also has an edge to D. So levelization would say D should get a level no of 4. But D already has a "lower level" assigned to it of 2. Thus any time you attempt to assign a level number to a node while doing DFS that already has a lower level number set to it, you know the directed graph has a cycle..

use 3 colors. white, gray, black. color only white nodes, white nodes to gray as you go down the DFS, color gray nodes to black when recursion unfolds (all children are processed). if not all children yet processed and you hit a gray node thats a cycle. eg: all white to begin in above direct graph. color A, B, D, F,G are colored white-gray. G is leaf so all children processed color it gray to black. recursion unfolds to F(all children processed) color it black. now you reach D, D has unprocessed children, so color E gray, G already colored black so dont go further down. E also has edge to D, so while still processing D (D still gray), you find an edge back to D(a gray node), a cycle is detected.