How to display db retrieved data in table in oclif-cli like mysql-client-cli?

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I am developing a CLI tool using OCLIF Framework and TypeScript, I have command that returns all the values from the database , Everything works fine until the retrieval , How ever I wanted the retrieved data to be displayed like tables in the terminal.

enter image description here

Is there any pluggins or something else that helps in designing CLI to display like this ?


There are 1 best solutions below


Have you had a look at cli-ux table function?

import {Command} from '@oclif/command'
import {cli} from 'cli-ux'

export default class Users extends Command {
  static flags = {

  async run() {
    const {flags} = this.parse(Users)
    /* ... */

    cli.table(users, {
      name: {
        minWidth: 7,
      company: {
        get: row => &&
    }, {
      printLine: this.log,
      ...flags, // parsed flags

Results in:

$ example-cli users
Name                     Company
Leanne Graham            Romaguera-Crona
Ervin Howell             Deckow-Crist
Clementine Bauch         Romaguera-Jacobson
Patricia Lebsack         Robel-Corkery
Chelsey Dietrich         Keebler LLC
Mrs. Dennis Schulist     Considine-Lockman
Kurtis Weissnat          Johns Group
Nicholas Runolfsdottir V Abernathy Group
Glenna Reichert          Yost and Sons
Clementina DuBuque       Hoeger LLC