How to do case-insensitive query in tree-sitter

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I'm working on trying to create and use tree-sitter grammar in a language server I am implementing in order to support features like finding all references of a variable. Given the grammar I would be able to write a query to find all of the references to a variable with a specific name (ex. myVar). However, the language I am writing a language server for uses case insensitive variables (ex. myVar can be referenced as MYVAR, MyVaR, myvar, etc.).

How would I be able to write a tree-sitter query to match a pattern where a token must case-insensitively match a particular string?

I could write the query to not filter by the variable name and implement my own filtering of the results, but I was wondering if there was a way to handle this within the query itself rather than implementing custom filtering code.


Here is a simplified example case to show what I mean.

Given the following grammar, I want to query for all of the set_statements that set a new value to the variable myVar.

module.exports = grammar({
  name: 'mylang',

  rules: {
    source_file: $ => repeat($._statement),
    _statement: $ => choice(
    set_statement: $ => seq(
      field("variable", $.identifier),
      field("value", $._expression),
    _expression: $ => choice(

    identifier: $ => /[a-zA-Z0-9]+/,
    integer_literal: $ => /[0-9]+/,

Normally I would be able to do this with a query like the following.

        variable: (identifier) @variable)
    (#eq? @variable "myVar")

However, as we can see with the following example of running the query, this only picks up on the references to myVar that use the same casing as the query.

$ cat set_testing.txt 
set myVar 0
set MYVAR 23
set myVar2 72
set MyVaR 14
$ tree-sitter query find_variable.query set_testing.txt
  pattern: 0
    capture: variable, start: (0, 4), text: "myVar"

I want to create a query that would instead find:

tree-sitter query find_variable.query set_testing.txt
  pattern: 0
    capture: variable, start: (0, 4), text: "myVar"
  pattern: 0
    capture: variable, start: (1, 4), text: "MYVAR"
  pattern: 0
    capture: variable, start: (3, 4), text: "MyVaR"

There are 1 best solutions below


Change your query to match a regular expression matching all possible upper/lower combinations of an identifier, in this case myvar.

If you change find_variable.query to use match with a regular expression for all case combinations:

        variable: (identifier) @variable)
    (#match? @variable "^[mM][yY][vV][aA][rR]$")

Now running tree-sitter query find_variable.query set_testing.txt returns:

  pattern: 0
    capture: variable, start: (0, 4), text: "myVar"
  pattern: 0
    capture: variable, start: (1, 4), text: "MYVAR"
  pattern: 0
    capture: variable, start: (3, 4), text: "MyVaR"

Tree-sitter does not support case insensitive regular expression searches Issue #261 so the regular expressions are a little longer.