How to do Custom Paging

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I want to implement server side paging in my Silverlight application. To get an idea of the steps that I would require I went through this custom paging in article where they described how to design a SQL query to return the results according to the Page Requested and the Total no of records per page. I am however totally confused as to how am I going to call it from my Silverlight application. Like how am I going to specify it in the c# code.

The default paging using the DataPager is pretty simple.

PagedCollectionView pagingCollection = new PagedCollectionView(e.Result); //e.Result contains `List` returned by the method that calls the stored procedure GetProducts
pagerProductGrids.Source = pagingCollection;
gridProductGrid.ItemsSource = pagingCollection; 

But I'm clueless about the procedure of doing it on my own. Like what properties I will be needing to get and set the Page Size, the total no of records etc i.e how am I going to configure my DataGrid and DataPager to pass StartingRowIndex and Maximum RowcOunt

Please help!


There are 1 best solutions below


I came across this article a few years ago and this worked like a charme for me. I've added this to my framework and have been reusing this method ever since. The article is well explained and I believe this is exactly what you are looking for.

Paging Data from the Server with Silverlight