How to draw all countries boundaries according to GeoJSON in Vuelayer?

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I want to show the countries' boundaries in the Vuelayer (a vue library for openlayer package). But It doesn't work

I used the following website to generate GeoJson of all the countries.

I followed the documentation I used the for loop to get each coordinate to get boundaries of all countries, but it doesn't work.

When I use one coordinate of one country without for loop, it works


<vl-feature id="polygon">
  <vl-geom-polygon v-for="(data, index) in geoJSON" :coordinates="data.geometry.coordinates"></vl-geom-polygon>

import countrieslowJson from "../assets/GeoJSON/counties_lowRes.json";


export default {
  components: {},
  data() {
    return {
      zoom: 3,
      center: [-98.8449,19.6869],
      rotation: 0,
      geolocPosition: undefined,
  props: [],
  methods: {}

I want it to show all the boundaries of countries. but it doesn't show anything


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