How to ensure that Backbone has rendered the page completely?

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I work on a large enterprise application with BackboneJS. One page in the application is constructed using multiple sub-system calls via REsT. How do I make sure that, all the services required to load the page has been called and the templates are binding is completed?

For example, I have a MasterView, that takes care of the collection.fetch() of each child views, like this.  

myApp.views.MasterView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(params) {
        var self = this;
            success: function(resp) {
                self.collection.bind("reset", self.render(), self);
            error: function(xhr, xhrStatus) {
                // push error message, in case of fetch fails.
    render: function() {
        var self = this;
        this.collection.each(function(model) {
            if (model.get('authorize') && model.get('status') === "success" && model.get('data').length > 0) {

I have a view set for the page, that takes care of rendering two other views CustomerInfo and CustomerAccounts. The view goes like this.

myApp.views.CustomerView = Backbone.View.extend({
        initialize: function() {
            var customerInfo = new myApp.collection.CustomerInfo();
            new myApp.views.CustomerInfo({el: $("#infoContainer"), collection: customerInfo});

            var customerAccount = new myApp.collection.CustomerAccount();
            new myApp.views.CustomerAccount({el: $("#accountContainer"), collection: customerAccount});

  And CustomerInfo and CustomerAccount views, looks like this,  

myApp.views.CustomerInfo = myApp.views.MasterView.extend({
    initialize: function() {
        var self = this;, {
            qParam1: "qparam1",
            qParam2: "qparam2"
    render: function() {
        var self = this;
        self.template = _.template(myApp.Templates.get("customer-page/customer-info"));
    bindTemplate: function(data) {
        var self = this;
        $(self.el).html(self.template({"info": data}));
myApp.views.CustomerAccounts = myApp.views.MasterView.extend({
    initialize: function() {
        var self = this;, {
            qParam1: "qparam1"
    render: function() {
        var self = this;
        self.template = _.template(myApp.Templates.get("customer-page/customer-accounts"));
    bindTemplate: function(data) {
        var self = this;
        $(self.el).html(self.template({"accounts": data}));

  I would like to know if there is any way to know from the myApp.views.CustomerView that the views CustomerInfo and CustomerAccounts has completed its rendering? The main problem I have here is the CustomerInfo view loads quickly but the CustomerAccount view takes some time to load. Hence I need to display the page on one shot, when both the views are ready on DOM.


There are 3 best solutions below


After breaking my head for quite sometime, and searching on Google, I found this link.

So I made few changes to my MasterView and it was working and have solved the problem I had. The change I made in the MasterView is this

var activeConnections=0;

myApp.views.MasterView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(params) {


        var self = this;
            success: function(resp) {


                self.collection.bind("reset", self.render(), self);

                    // trigger the page has finished rendering
            error: function(xhr, xhrStatus) {
                // push error message, in case of fetch fails.
                    // trigger the page has finished rendering
    render: function() {
        var self = this;
        this.collection.each(function(model) {
            if (model.get('authorize') && model.get('status') === "success" && model.get('data').length > 0) {

Thanks to all those who have helped me solve this.


When you instantiate your views add a listener to a view_ready event. When the view finishes fetching the data and rendering make it trigger it on itself At the end of the render method of the parent view


And on the Main view add something like :

this.listenTo(CustomerInfoView, 'view_ready', this.customer_info_ready);
this.listenTo(CustomerAccountsView, 'view_ready', this.customer_account_ready);

Then in your main view or main model add 2 properties : info_ready and customer_ready and initialize them to 0 Each time one of the 2 previously mentioned event is fired do something like the following :

customer_info_ready : function(){
    if (this.model.get('account_ready') === true) {
customer_account_ready : function(){
    if (this.model.get('info_ready') === true) {

Then add a listener to 'both_elements_ready' on your main view :

initialize: function() { 
 //your code
 this.on('both_elements_ready',this.page_ready); }

EDIT: Added info to make answer more relevant to question and more detailed.


Edit: This answer is inspired by what I learned from a sample "Brunch with Chaplin" example here. Chaplin is a framwork built on top of backbone.

Ok, so I'm going to suggest a coffeescript based solution (I just happen to have a solution in coffee :/ ! Try using js2coffee if you want to convert back to js)

The Master Class

The idea is to have a master class - not view - that will hold the app in it's hand, instead of the master view.

module.exports = class Application
  initialize: (finished_init) =>
    @collection = new Collection()
    @main_view = new View()
      success: (collection) =>
        @main_view.collection = @collection
  render: (targetLocation, params) ->
    switch targetLocation
      when "main" then (

In the initialize method, we fetch the collection data. On success, the finshed_init() is called. You can replace it with @render (Btw, @ == this :) )


Here's how I'd initialize my app:

$ ->
  app = new Application()

  app.initialize( ->
    # Create the router and its routes
    # This is called at the finished_init() of the Application class
    app_router = new Router

Running More than one fetche Asynchronously

You could have a function that monitors fetche's completion, or you could try using async. It has a nice `parallel function that does just that.

@collection1 = new Collection()
@collection = new Collection()
@main_view1 = new View()
@main_view2 = new View()

async.parallel [ (callback) ->
  setTimeout (->
      success: (collection) =>
        @main_view1.collection = @collection
        callback null, "one"
  ), 200
, (callback) ->
  setTimeout (->
      success: (collection) =>
        @main_view2.collection = @collection
        callback null, "two"
  ), 100
 ], (err, results) ->
   if not err
    @render()  # Render what you want