how to execute function after cocoon add the record?

135 Views Asked by At

I'm using the cocoon gem in my rails project, and I have two "link_to_add_association", but I need that depending on which link_to is pressed to do a certain function, link_to with id "link_1" adds the records to the beginning of the table and the other one adds the records at the end with other values, this is my partial form:

= form_for([@billing, @payment]) do |f|
  - if @payment.errors.any?
    = render partial: 'layouts/partials/errors/form_errors', locals: { errors: @payment.errors }
  = f.hidden_field :billing_id, value:
          = f.label :payment, class: 'form-control-label'
          = f.text_field :payment, class: 'form-control text-right', 'data-currency-format--live': '', 'data-target': '#total-pay'
          = f.label :day, class: 'form-control-label'
          = f.text_field :day, class: 'form-control datepicker', 'data-startView': 'days', 'data-minyear': @billing.date_bill.year, 'data-minmonth': @billing.date_bill.month, 'data-minday':

            = link_to_add_association 'add', f, :payment_details, partial: 'payment_detail_fields',:"data-association-insertion-node" => "tbody.details",:"data-association-insertion-method" => "prepend", class:"btn btn-success btn-xs", id: "link_1"

            = link_to_add_association 'add', f, :payment_details, partial: 'payment_detail_discount_fields',:"data-association-insertion-node" => "tbody.details",:"data-association-insertion-method" => "append", class:"btn btn-success btn-xs", id: "link_2"

              %th value_paid
              %th voucher
              %th accion
              %th value_paid
              %th value_paid
              %th voucher
              %th accion

            = f.fields_for :payment_details do |payment_detail|
              = render 'payment_detail_fields', f: payment_detail

              %td Descuento
              %td Descuento              

      = f.label :comments, class: 'form-control-label'
      = f.text_area :comments, class: 'form-control', rows: 6
          = f.submit :class => 'btn btn-primary' 

- content_for :javascript do

    $(document).ready(function() {

      $("#link_1").on("cocoon:after-insert", function() {
        alert("element of link_1");
      } ) 

      $("#link_2").on("cocoon:after-insert", function() {
        alert("element of link_2");
      } ) 


I tried this code but I can't find a way to make it work

$(document).ready(function() {

  $("#link_1").on("cocoon:after-insert", function() {
    alert("element of link_1");
  } ) 

  $("#link_2").on("cocoon:after-insert", function() {
    alert("element of link_1");
  } ) 


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