How to extract pipeline dsl in the pipeline plugin with the Java?

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I am developing a Jenkins pipeline plugin for CNB(buildpacks). I need to get the variables ​​in the pipeline script with Java but I still can't succeed.

This is the my pipeline script.

buildpacks {
    builder = "some/builder"

And I can access these variables(like builder variable) ​​with Groovy language in the buildpacks.groovy

package dsl

// The call(body) method in any file in workflowLibs.git/vars is exposed as a
// method with the same name as the file.
def call(body) {
    def config = [:]
    body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
    body.delegate = config
    try {
        echo "${config.builder}"

    } catch (Exception rethrow) {
        throw rethrow


But as i said i need to get these variables in Java. Below is my class that I inherited from the GlobalVariable class.

public abstract class PipelineDSLGlobal extends GlobalVariable {

public abstract String getFunctionName();

public String getName() {
    return getFunctionName();

public Object getValue(CpsScript script) throws Exception {
    Binding binding = script.getBinding();

    CpsThread c = CpsThread.current();
    if (c == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Expected to be called from CpsThread");

    ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader();

    String scriptPath = "dsl/" + getFunctionName() + ".groovy";
    Reader r = new InputStreamReader(cl.getResourceAsStream(scriptPath), "UTF-8");

    GroovyCodeSource gsc = new GroovyCodeSource(r, getFunctionName() + ".groovy", cl.getResource(scriptPath).getFile());

    Object pipelineDSL = c.getExecution()
    binding.setVariable(getName(), pipelineDSL);

    return pipelineDSL;


And below is my class that i created for my buildpacksdsl.

package io.jenkins.plugins.buildpacks;

import hudson.Extension;
import io.jenkins.plugins.pipelinedsl.PipelineDSLGlobal;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.whitelists.ProxyWhitelist;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.whitelists.StaticWhitelist;


public class BuildpacksDSL extends PipelineDSLGlobal {

public String getFunctionName() {
    return "buildpacks";

public static class MiscWhitelist extends ProxyWhitelist {
    public MiscWhitelist() throws IOException {
        super(new StaticWhitelist(
                "method java.util.Map$Entry getKey",
                "method java.util.Map$Entry getValue"


If you want to see the structure in more detail, you can take a look at the repository.

Can someone help me ? Thanks.


There are 1 best solutions below


We found a little solution.

We created an instance of a class using compatibility between Groovy and Java. And since we can already get values ​​with Groovy, we can pass parameters directly in the constructor method.

There is probably a more efficient method. But now it's working.

// Buildpacks.groovy

import io.jenkins.plugins.buildpacks.pipeline.BuildpacksDSL.BuildpacksPipelineDSL

class Buildpacks implements Serializable {

    // first executed method is similar to main method in java
    public void call(final Closure body) {

        // the config array is the array that holds the variables.
        def config = [:]
        body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
        body.delegate = config

        // creating a new instance, when we give the 'config' array in the constructor, the variables is transferred.
        BuildpacksPipelineDSL pipeline = new BuildpacksPipelineDSL(config)





 public static class BuildpacksPipelineDSL {

        public BuildpacksPipelineDSL() {

         * This constructor takes dsl parameters, logger and envs from Jenkins and
         * extracts them to local variables.
         * @param c
         * @throws Exception
        public BuildpacksPipelineDSL(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> c)
                throws Exception {
        // codes...

