How to filter specific lesson id in learndash using Elementor Lesson List widget

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This is my code, I put it in Buddyboss custom javacript code

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // Delay execution until LearnDash content is loaded
    $(window).on('load', function() {
        // Replace the selector with the actual class or ID of your Elementor lesson list
        var lessonList = $('#ld-course-list-content-9f3deeb6159f0f2a6b15e0706ecf8794');

        // Replace 'data-learndash-lesson-id' with the actual data attribute that stores LearnDash lesson ID
        var lessonIdAttribute = '69';

        // Sort lessons based on the LearnDash lesson ID in ascending order
        lessonList.children().sort(function(a, b) {
            var lessonIdA = parseInt($(a).attr(lessonIdAttribute));
            var lessonIdB = parseInt($(b).attr(lessonIdAttribute));

            return lessonIdA - lessonIdB;

        // Hide all lessons initially
        lessonList.find('[' + lessonIdAttribute + ']').hide();

        // Replace with an array of specific LearnDash lesson IDs you want to filter
        var targetLessonIds = ['5194', '5195', '5199', '5205', '4307', '4294', '5207', '5203', '5201', '5197'];

        // Show only the lessons with the specified LearnDash lesson IDs
        $.each(targetLessonIds, function(index, lessonId) {
            var lessonElement = lessonList.find('[' + lessonIdAttribute + '="' + lessonId + '"]');

Supposedly it should follow this list enter image description here

What happened the display is not showing the right order.

This is the current display right now. enter image description here

Please help me on this.

Thank you


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