How to generate a regex to capture everything but curly brace contents

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I'm trying to match strings of any size NOT surrounded with { and } as in foo{bar} the regex should match foo but not {bar}.

The regexes I originally came up with were ^([^${].*[}$]) and ^(?=[{]).+(?<=[}]) but they don't seem to do what I expected them to do.


There are 1 best solutions below


If you want to fetch all the characters that is not within {} then you can attempt an split operation using regex.

Split the string by this regex by using your preferred language:


The returned array should consist the segments that was found outside each {}

The following java example returns an array (arr):

String abc="19{22}33{44}55{66}7";
String[] arr=abc.split("\\{.*?\\}");

which contains:
