How to generate domain from an enum while generating DDL from data model?

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Is there a way to generate a domain for a field that is defined as enum while generating DDL from the data model?

The default behaviour for fields that are defined as enum is either EnumType.STRING or EnumType.ORDINAL. In this particular case I use @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING).

public enum MyEnum {

public class MyEntity {
   private long id;

   private MyEnum status;

This is unfortunately defined as "only" character varying(255) (I am using PostgreSQL RDBMS).

ALTER TABLE myentity ADD COLUMN status character varying(255);

This of course gives an opportunity to put garbage there that has nothing to do with the actual enum.


In this place I would like to be able to give a hint to Hibernate to generate a domain with only those values allowed that actually belong to the enumeration.

As a workaround I wanted to generate a check constraint using @Check annotation. This however regrettably cannot be done dynamically. I wanted to loop through the MyEnum.values() in order to generate this check so that I do not have to change it at the same time when the enum gets additional values.

public class MyEntity {
   private long id;

   @org.hibernate.annotations.Check(constraints = String.format("currentclub in %s", PlayerStatus.values()))
   private MyEnum status;

This of course leads to a syntax error

The value for annotation attribute Check.constraints must be a constant expression.

which is clear to me as the attribute value must be determined at compilation time.

Is there any other way to do it in a clever way?


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