How to generate xades signed properties hash of e invoice?

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I have tried many times and many ways to get the xadesSignedProperties encoded hash (DigestValue) but always I get uncorrect result . I have this singed properties :

                                <xades:SignedProperties Id="xadesSignedProperties">
                                                    <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
                                                    <ds:X509IssuerName>O=Alamal For Gold and Jewellery, OU=HEAD-OFFICE, C=SA, CN=ALAMAL</ds:X509IssuerName>

I followed the steps in the documentation :

But I always get the wrong digest value . The digest value of the previous signed propeties should be


as it is shown in this xadesSignedProperties block :

<ds:Reference Type="" URI="#xadesSignedProperties">
                                <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" />

I Looked to these answers but also I couldn't get the correct digest value .

How to compute the digest for the SignedProperties of a XAdES signature?

how can i hash a specific tag from XML file in a correct way?

This is one of my tries :

    $populateSignedPropertiesOutputXML = new DOMDocument(encoding: 'utf-8');
    $populateSignedPropertiesOutputXML->loadXML(str_replace("\r", "", $signedPropertiesBlock));

    $populatedSignedPropertiesString = $populateSignedPropertiesOutputXML->C14N();

    $populatedSignedPropertiesString = unpack('H*', $populatedSignedPropertiesString)['1'];

    $hashedSignedProperties = hash('sha256', $populatedSignedPropertiesString);

    return base64_encode($hashedSignedProperties);

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