How to get a value from a XML with namespace but without prefix in Java?

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well, this is the xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<FECompUltimoAutorizadoResponse xmlns="">

I Want to get CbteNro, but I cant because the FECompUltimoAutorizadoResponse, I tried with this:

Document document = new Builder().build(responseString, "test.xml");
    Nodes nodes = document.query("/soap:Envelope[@xmlns:soap=\"\"]/soap:Body/FECompUltimoAutorizadoResponse[@xmlns=\"\"]/FECompUltimoAutorizadoResult/CbteNro\n");

usin XOM, but it doesn't work, I receive this message:

Exception in thread "main" nu.xom.XPathException: XPath error: XPath expression uses unbound namespace prefix soap



There are 1 best solutions below


Thanks to har07, it can be solved like this:

Document document = new Builder().build(responseString, "test.xml");
Element rootElem = document.getRootElement();
XPathContext xc = XPathContext.makeNamespaceContext(rootElem);
xc.addNamespace("fev1", "");
Nodes matchedNodes = rootElem.query("/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/fev1:FECompUltimoAutorizadoResponse/fev1:FECompUltimoAutorizadoResult/fev1:CbteNro", xc);